Teen Sales Crew In Carlsbadistan

by The Editors on October 27, 2007


Just had a knock on the door and was greeted by two 18-year-old guys in DC hoodies. They had a couple laminated cards and they were selling something (usually magazine subscriptions) door-to-door in order to “get points to win a contest.” The prize? In this case it was apparently a trip to Cancun. One of the kids was from Georgia, the other from “Palo Alto.” If they roll by your house leave a note in the comments.

For more on what this whole “teen sales crew” thing is all about, check out this story from the New York Times.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Herman Siemsen October 28, 2007 at 7:49 pm

Teen sales crew was very revealing to say the least….Does give one a little background on who possibly comes to your door…..Thanks

Ben Morgan (O-side) October 29, 2007 at 1:04 pm

There’s a lot of operations out there. Don’t confuse these kids with the ones that work for the Southwestern Company. The SW kids are a hard working group and the company is reputable (I should know, I sold book for them for four summers while in college).

I usually get a call from one of the student managers when they’re gonna have a group of students working in San Diego County (usually June – August).

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