
Carlsbadistan Election Results 2010

by The Editors on November 3, 2010

Mayor Win

With 100 percent of the votes counted the results from Carlsbadistan Election 2010 look like this. First off we have a new mayor (sort of). His name is Matt Hall.

Votes Percentages
Matt Hall 13,288 46.85%
Keith Blackburn 11,360 40.05%
Glenn Bernard 2,519 8.88%
Walt Meier 1,195 4.21%

Council Win

And in the City Council race we picked up Farrah Douglas:

Votes Percentages
Farrah Douglas 17,899 45.06%
Mark Packard 13,895 34.98%
Jon Wantz 4,753 11.97%
Bill Jubb 3,173 7.99%

And in the City Treasurer’s Race it looked like this:

Votes Percentages
Jim Comstock 14,750 65.12%
John O’Reilly 7,902 34.88%

And Prop G was very, very popular apparently:

Votes Percentages
YES 17,670 64.28%
NO 9,817 35.72%

For more election results visit Election San Diego.

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Carlsbad High School TV Working Golden Hall

by The Editors on November 2, 2010

Chtv Golden

Students from Carlsbad High School TV are at San Diego’s election headquarters Golden Hall tonight working on their special Election Show and getting a first hand look at the democratic process in action. According to a story on the Voice of San Diego CHSTV had the largest presence in the room.

Its production and reporting team was some 40 strong, and most of them fanned out across the swarming election night headquarters, maneuvering with cameras and microphones through the colorful masses that gathered to watch returns. . . What media organization can afford to send 40 people to a single event, you ask? . . . That would be the ninth- through 12th-grade class of Doug Green, a Carlsbad High School teacher who runs Carlsbad High School TV, an elective class for students interested in working toward careers in broadcast news production.

Nice work if you can get it.

[Link: Voice of San Diego]

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Did You Vote In Carlsbadistan?

by The Editors on November 2, 2010

Deadman Poll

We heard some people in Carlsbadistan had to sneak by these guys to get to their Polling Place. How did your visit to you local polling place go? Let us know in the comments. Or, click here to check on the local election results (if they ever get updated).

Oh, and there are still 69 minutes left in the voting day. Go Vote!

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Vote Yes On Prop 21, Park Free At Tamarack

by Bridget Smith on November 1, 2010

Img 7495As you head to your polling place tomorrow be aware that one particular ballot measure would directly benefit Carlsbadistan residents. Proposition 21 would raise money for California’s state parks and beaches by adding an $18 license registration fee to all vehicles registered in the state of California. In exchange drivers of these vehicles would get free state park day use.

This means that only the tourists would have to pay to park at Tamarack , and residents could go back to their morning surf or beachside stroll without the parking hassle. Hopefully it would also mean cleaner bathrooms, more lifeguards, and better maintained state parks.

Let’s face it, we’re a beach town in a state that relies heavily on tourist revenues to stay fiscally afloat. It is in our best interest to keep our beaches clean, safe, and well maintained. With trying economic times more families are hitting to road to go camping at a state park or spend the day at a local beach. California small businesses that depend on revenue from these visitors would benefit from a more stable funding source for California’s State Parks.

I’m hoping Prop 21 passes, because it’s much easier to schlep three kids, beach chairs, boogie boards, and sand toys from a parking space next to the beach.

Carlsbadistan resident Bridget Smith is the author of The Unauthorized Legoland Guidebook.

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If Only We Could. . .

by The Editors on October 28, 2010

Img 20101023 131018

No better way to explain how tired everyone is getting of all the campaign sign clutter in Carlsbadistan than this message on Aviara.

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Mayoral & City Council Forum Tonight

by The Editors on October 20, 2010


Please attend a forum before voting. It is shocking to see the differences in the candidates.

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A Few Good Reasons To Vote Republican

by The Editors on October 7, 2010

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Riehl World: I Voted Blackburn, Douglas, Wantz

by Richard J. Riehl on October 7, 2010

Supervisor Bill Horn’s second hit piece in two weeks landed in the mailbox the same day my absentee ballot arrived. The incumbent is using fear to keep his job for another eight years, when the new term limits law his scandal-plagued career inspired will prevent him from becoming supervisor for life. Horn’s desperate attack on his opponent, Steve Gronke, is a good example of why voters should disregard all negative campaigning in the weeks leading up to an election. It spurred me to cast my vote a month before the polls open.

In Carlsbad, North County’s Brigadoon, the campaign has been unusually civil up until now, with candidates touting their qualifications, rather than trumpeting the shortcomings of their opponents.

Mayoral candidate Matt Hall’s latest mailer refers to his opponent as “freshman councilman Keith Blackburn,” the “only council member to oppose (pension) reforms.” Well, that’s stretching the truth a bit. Blackburn is in his second year on the council, technically making him a sophomore, and he did not exactly oppose reforms.

Follow the jump for the rest of the story.
[click to continue…]

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North County Times Picks Its Candidates

by The Editors on September 28, 2010

In an editorial titled Continuity for Carlsbad the North County Times has apparently picked the candidates it thinks will best serve our city.

On the Nov. 2 ballot, we urge voters in Carlsbad to elect Matt Hall to replace outgoing Mayor Bud Lewis. . . And in the City Council race, we recommend returning incumbent Mark Packard and adding current planning Commissioner Farrah Douglas.

Their reason for electing Hall is because he is “more likely to continue the general prudent leadership” of Bud Lewis. Their picks leave us wonder who bought the most advertising in their paper this election cycle. If we read the print version, we’d probably be able to answer that question ourselves.

[Link: North County Times]

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Carlsbad Gate: Mark Wyland’s Laptop Stolen

by The Editors on September 23, 2010

4C9Ba1Ebb6E0F.Preview-300California State Senator Mark Wyland’s office was broken into sometime Wednesday night and all that reportedly stolen was Wyland’s personal laptop, according to a story in the North County Times.

The Republican senator’s spokeswoman, Emily Smith, said it did not appear anything else was taken in the break-in, which occurred sometime overnight at his office in a suite at 1910 Palomar Point Way. . .Wyland said he and his staff were assisting California Highway Patrol and Carlsbad Police investigators, who were at the office investigating the theft that occurred after a window was broken to gain entry.

This is reportedly the second Republican politician to have a laptop stolen. Wonder what information someone is looking for? Is Republican data that interesting?

[Link: North County Times]

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