by The Editors on April 30, 2008

Hard to believe it’s already been six months since the last Carlsbad Street Faire, but don’t kid yourself. Time flies.
On Sunday, May 4, 2008 expect to see the streets of Carlsbadistan shut down so traveling QVC salespeople can clutter our Village with push-up tents filled with junk of all shapes and sizes. Get out early and load up. And don’t forget the beer garden. Because it’s usually the safest place to stand in the whole faire. Plus, in the beer garden you won’t have to worry about tripping over any neon coyote doorstops with macramé tails.
by The Editors on April 29, 2008
Nothing makes us feel worse about what our country is doing in Iraq than seeing America’s valiant, courageous young servicemen and women coming home missing limbs.
Yesterday, at Carlsbad’s TaylorMade Golf headquarters three young amputees were treated like PGA pros. They received complete sets of golf clubs and swing training with the world renowned golf coach Jim Flick, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
This day was dubbed “Operation: Game On!” by Tony Perez, the San Diegan who had the idea for the project. Perez, the president of the local Pin Pals golf program for underprivileged youth, is a Vietnam veteran who wanted to do something special for wounded military personnel.
Thanks, Tony and TaylorMade for setting such a great example for all of us.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on April 29, 2008
Our favorite life sciences company, Carlsbad’s Invitrogen, just announced that its first quarter profits have doubled since the first quarter of 2007. Looks like CEO Greg Lucier is worth every penny of his package.
Analysts have attributed this encouraging bottom line to improved profit margins, share buybacks and lower taxes. So much so that the Carlsbad, California-based company did better than the $334.5m in revenue analysts had been predicting. . . . Looking ahead to full-year 2008, the company said that revenue growth was expected, ‘in percentage terms to be in the high single digits.’ This is up from a previous forecast for mid-single-digit growth.
If we knew anything about the stock market we’d probably give Invitrogen a strong buy rating.
[Link: Lab Technologist]
by The Editors on April 29, 2008

This Saturday, May 3, 2008, The Carlsbad Education Foundation is holding it’s annual telethon for Kids Are Worth A Million at Legoland’s Funtown Stage. More than 500 kids from 11 Carlsbad school will perform.
Performances include a rendition of Elvis’ “All Shook Up” by third graders at Hope Elementary, an orchestra group from Carlsbad High School and a musical theatre number from “Grease” by Valley Middle School students. The telethon itself will be filmed by students from Emmy Award-winning Carlsbad High School Television (CHSTV).
Follow the jump for all the details including schedule and nicely discounted ticket prices.
[click to continue…]
by The Editors on April 29, 2008
We broke this story in November, but now it looks like the $8 Tamarack Surf Beach parking fee is getting closer.
According to a release from the City of Carlsbad the parking fee will be discussed during the California Coastal Commission’s monthly meeting, slated for Thursday, May 8, 2008, at the Marina Del Rey Hotel, Marina Del Rey California.
Carlsbad officials oppose the proposal and have expressed concern over the insufficient noticing given to the public about the installation device as well as the adverse impacts to the surrounding neighborhoods and impact on public beach access if the proposal is approved. . . . Residents and those affected by the proposed parking fee are encouraged to fax or e-mail their concerns to Coastal Commission analyst Toni Ross at or fax at 619-7672384.
Not that it’s going to do any good, but we might as well complain while we have a chance.
[click to continue…]
by The Editors on April 28, 2008
by The Editors on April 28, 2008

Carlsbdistanian’s Patrick Hoyny and Matt Hultberg, along with two friends from Vista, represented the Village well at the Coachella Music Festival this year by cruising the grounds in matching Vans, colored socks, hip-packs, and Speedos, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
“These are not Speedos,” clarified Hernandez, 29. “They’re male bikinis. We’re not endorsing Speedos.” . . . “Unless,” said Huerta, 24, “they want to pay us.”
“We’re here for us!” Hultberg declared. “We’re the best thing here this year … except for Prince.”
We’re guessing we’ll be seeing more of this on the beach this summer.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on April 27, 2008

Tonight, Carlsbad piano teacher and pop-music songstress Joanie Mendenhall is playing The Casbah with Matt Curreri and The Ex-Friends, but what we’re most interested in is her new album. At her day job at Carlsbad’s Giacoletti Music, Mendenhall teaches piano to 35 students a week, but in another part of her musical life she writes sweetly pleasant and hooky pop songs that will be collected on an album titled On A String, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Due out this summer on her own Good Tonic Records label, “On a String” is a winning collection of 10 songs that strike a balance between rootsy charm and finely honed craft. It features such stellar area musicians as Mitch Manker on trumpet and flugelhorn, Archie Thompson on tenor sax and Ben Moore, who engineered “On a String,” on organ. Moore co-produced the album with Mendenhall, guitarist-violinist Ray Suen and drummer Tyler Ward.
Watch for this album because Joanie is really good. Just click and listen to all three songs (especially Empty Your Heart). . . trust us.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune and]
by The Editors on April 27, 2008
Last week The Carlsbad Village Improvement Partnership asked the City for $500,000 spread out over three years so they can “revitalize the city’s downtown core,” according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Frank Hutchins, a corporate banker and president of the partnership, asked the council Tuesday night for “seed money” to get it established – $200,000 in each of the first two years and $100,000 in the third year. . . . Councilmen Matt Hall and Mark Packard sat out the discussion because they own property downtown.
That means only three people have to agree. If some of the money goes toward more closing antique stores, we’re all for it.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on April 27, 2008
Add motocross racer Jason Lawrence to the growing list of action sports stars who call Carlsbad home. Last night, Lawrence, placed second in the AMA Supercross Lites class in Seattle, Washington last night and brought home his first AMA Supercross Lites Championship.
While Dungey pulled away from the field, Lawrence moved into second place and rode to the first AMA Supercross Lites championship of his career. Yamaha’s Broc Hepler, of Kittanning, Pa., finished in third place. The win for Dungey was his third of the season.
“Once I settled into second place, I was really nervous,” said Lawrence. “I just wanted to keep it on two wheels and ride a smart race. I was really comfortable when my Yamaha teammate Broc Hepler was behind me.”
Congrats, Jason.
[Link: and VitalMX]