May 2020

The City of Carlsbad Gives $175,000

by The Editors on May 11, 2020

The Carlsbad City Council has approved increased funding to expand a local homeless shelter and provide increased rental assistance, food service other basic needs for the city’s most vulnerable community members.

At its May 5, 2020 meeting, the City Council approved $58,000 to Catholic Charities, which runs the La Posada de Guadalupe homeless shelter. The money will be used to expedite a planned expansion of the shelter. for all the details, please follow the jump.

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Carlsbad’s Parks & Trails To Open With Rules

by The Editors on May 1, 2020

You know all that yellow tape that’s been reminding us that the trails, beaches and parks are all closed? Well, thanks to a unanimous vote by the Carlsbad City Council it’s all coming down on Monday, May 4, 2020. At a special City Council meeting on Friday, May 1, 2020 the City of Carlsbad voted to open our parks, trails, and (with some help from the State of California) maybe even our beaches (with some serious limitations).

For all the details, including all the dos and don’ts, please follow the jump.

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Carlsbadistan Up To 12 COVID Cases

by The Editors on May 1, 2020

After 14 days of no new COVID-19 cases in all of Carlsbad, we’re now up to a total of 54 cases and three of those are from right here in the 92008. Wish we had more info on exactly where they are and how the exposures happened. Either way, we hope everyone stays home, and gets well soon!

[Link: SD County COVID Tracker]

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