by The Editors on December 31, 2008
Former Carlsbad City Council candidate Thomas K. Arnold weighs in on The Lossings-At-Carlsbad in today’s North County TImes.
Most sensible minds now agree that the golf course never should have been built. While it is true that taxpayers initially voted in favor of building a new municipal golf course in 1990, in light of all the delays and cost overruns, the matter really should have been brought back up to a public vote before construction actually commenced. . . . But that’s all water under the proverbial bridge, and the question now is what to do with this white elephant as it continues to bleed red ink.
Click the link for the rest of Thomas’ ideas.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on December 31, 2008
To be honest, we love kicking off the New Year properly, however, we’ve never liked staying up ’till midnight to do it. That’s why for the past couple years we’ve been going to Legoland where we can watch the “brick drop” at 6 PM and be home before all the guns start going off.
Here’s what’s going on tonight:
Like the famous Times Square party, Kids’ New Year’s Eve features a countdown followed by a huge LEGO® brick dropping 22-feet into 2009 along with a dazzling fireworks display over Miniland. The event also features a special performance by kids’ pop-rocker Justin Roberts and the Not Ready for Naptime Players.
The celebration begins at 3 PM today and is included with a regular admission.
[Link: Legoland]
by The Editors on December 31, 2008
Online fee collection website Count Me In is out of money and that included $70,000 of dues paid by parents of Carlsbad Youth Baseball players that never made it to the league, according to a story in the LA Times.
Tom Watson, president of Carlsbad Youth Baseball in San Diego, said more than 90% of parents paid for their children’s fees with credit cards through Count Me In and the group was missing $70,000. . . . “It’s going to be a challenge for us to operate our programs,” he said. “The kids and their parents are going to suffer.”
Count Me In founder Terry Drayton says he was “he was in discussions with three possible investors to raise funds to pay back their money”
How did we get here? We made some errors with the lack of financial oversight,” Drayton said in a telephone interview. “At the end of the day this is my responsibility. I’m the CEO and my job is to fix it.”
Oddly, there is no mention of the problems on Count Me In’s website. Which you’d think would be step one in “fixing” things. So far no criminal charges have been filed. Maybe they should be.
[Link: LA Times]
by The Editors on December 30, 2008
According to a Barbara Henry story in the North County Times “staff members with the state Energy Commission” are holding two workshops to go over their report on NRG Energy Inc.’s plans to put in another power plant in our lagoon.
The first workshop session is set for 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Jan. 7. The second is set for 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 8. Both will be at the recently opened Sheraton Carlsbad, 5480 Grand Pacific Drive. . . . The Jan. 7 session covers air, water and soil issues among other topics. The Jan. 8 session includes visual issues and traffic concerns, Della said. . . .Officials with the city of Carlsbad, which has opposed the plans, are encouraging people to come between 6 and 7 p.m. Jan. 7 to talk about air quality and visual blight issues, said Joe Garuba, a city employee who is coordinating the city’s response to the project.
We can’t think of anything more boring, but NRG really shouldn’t be able to turn our lagoon into an industrial wasteland without someone at least complaining a little (even if it doesn’t do any good). So please, someone, go complain.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on December 30, 2008
According to a story in San Diego City Beat Vigilucci’s is celebrating 15 years in the restaurant business by taking 15 percent off the total tab at all of their restaurants including Vigilucci’s Cucina Italiana at 2943 State St. and Vigilucci’s Seafood and Steakhouse at 3878 Carlsbad Blvd. from January 15-30, 2009.
Us? We’ll hit them up on State Street. Of all the Italian restaurants in North County (and they seem to be everywhere) Vigilucci’s Cucina Italiana is far and away the nicest of them all.
[Link: San Diego CityBeat]
by The Editors on December 30, 2008
Union Bank of California wasn’t the only Carlsbadistan bank robbery today. According to a story in the North County Times a man with a gun robbed the Navy Federal Credit Union at 1824 Marron Road.
The man armed with a handgun entered the bank about 6:15 p.m. and demanded money from a teller, the dispatcher said. Witnesses said the man ran away and they did not see a car. . . . A preliminary description of the suspect indicated only that he was a black man, about 5 feet 10 inches tall, wearing blue jeans and a black jacket, the dispatcher said.
What, is everyone trying to get this money in on their 2008 taxes or what?
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on December 30, 2008
Since we started keeping track (May 2007) three Carlsbadistan Union Bank of Californias have been robbed. The most recent bank robbery was this morning (December 30, 2008) when, according to a report in the San Diego Union-Tribune, a man handed a note demanding money to a teller at the branch on El Camino Real near Aviara Parkway.
Employees at the bank on El Camino Real near Aviara Parkway set off an alarm at 10:27 a.m. They described the robber as a white man, 45 to 50 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, 200 pounds , and wearing a dark jacket and black baseball cap.
Apparently, Carlsbad’s finest are on the case.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on December 27, 2008
Bank of America says that Barratt American, the Carlsbad-based home builder, owes $79 million and it owes it’s to 20 unsecured creditors more than $21 million. That’s why, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune, the company filed for Chapter 11 protection on Christmas eve.
The company has drastically scaled back operations in the past several months, slashing staff from about 140 employees to about 15. Company President Michael “Mick” Pattinson has been talking openly for a month about the possibility of bankruptcy as the company’s troubles mounted. . . . Pattinson said Barratt will continue to build custom homes and replacement homes for victims of last year’s wildfires while in bankruptcy. The company hopes to reorganize with the aim of starting new home construction again in 2010.
For the whole sad story read the rest of the article.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on December 26, 2008

This Oceanside escapee was on the Carlsbadistan seawall this morning scaring up funds to pay for his wedding to Madonna (and to buy dog food). After they are married he will play Madonna some of his songs and, with the diva’s help, spread the word about the farce that is the Federal Reserve.
Either that or he needs beer money. . . apparently, this is how far a degree from USC can take you.
by The Editors on December 26, 2008

From 7-9 AM on Saturday December 27, 2008 car fan boys are meeting up at the Carlsbad Premium Outlet Mall. We’re not sure what people do at these “meets,” but from the look of last month’s gathering there will be a parking lot full of pretty cool cars.
All cars are welcome: Exotics, European, Domestic, Muscle Cars, Hot Rods, Japanese Tuners and more.
Let’s hope it doesn’t rain.
[Link: photo via]