by The Editors on April 30, 2010
The hunt for a new Carlsbadistan Police Chief has ended according news released by the City of Carlsbad today.
Gary W. Morrison, who worked previously with the Long Beach Police Department, reportedly has 22 years of law enforcement experience.
Gary Morrison is a proven leader with high standards and a commitment to public service that make him a great fit for the City of Carlsbad Police Department and the Carlsbad community,” said Hildabrand. “His collaborative style and direct experience in virtually every aspect of law enforcement make him a tremendous asset to our organization.”
We have to agree he sounds well-qualified to represent the CPD. Me and Louie are going to follow the jump for all the details.
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by The Editors on April 29, 2010

Yesterday (April 28, 2010), Legoland California invited the media to don hard hats and go behind the scenes at the amusement park’s new $12 million Legoland Water Park. Scheduled to open on May 28, 2010, the new park will feature eight different wet rides and attractions.
“LEGO founder Ole Kirk Christiansen once said ‘no matter what we design, there are two toys that LEGO can never improve upon: the ball and water,” said Ronchetti during the hard hat tour. “Exactly one month from today, I believe LEGOLAND California is going to combine LEGO and water right here on the ground you’re standing on, on a scale that’s never been done before with the world’s first interactive LEGO themed Water Park!”
We may not have attended the Legoland Media Waterpark Tour, but we were very honored to be invited as media trips are the only time we can afford to get in the front gates.
For more photos and the official release follow the jump.
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by The Editors on April 29, 2010

Early Sunday morning, May 2, 2010, the streets of Carlsbadistan will close and the booths will pop-up throughout the Village in preparation for the bi-annual Carlsbad Street Faire. Need a new miracle mop? A salsa making machine? A blender or miniature surfboard with your name on it? Then the Carlsbad Street Fair is the place. Arrive early, park politely, and stay all day. Just be careful in the beer garden.
Click the links for Carlsbadistan coverage of past faires: November 2009, November 2008, November 2007. Wow, we’ve been around a while. Guess we’re almost three!
by The Editors on April 28, 2010
Carlsbad’s Pacific Ridge School junior Anisha Mudaliar, 16, was one of 12 students nationwide to win a scholarship in the Young Epidemiology Scholars Competition in Washington, DC the weekend of April 23-26, 2010. Mudaliar won $15,000 for her research on youth onset diabetes.
“I was concerned by the increasing prevalence of diabetes and its complications in children and adolescents, especially among Asian Indians,” she said. “I was determined to further study this issue in the greater context of public health.”
Anisha was one of 60 regional finalists from 21 states who were invited to present their projects. Congrats to Anisha, and to Pacific Ridge School.
by The Editors on April 28, 2010
Last night at the Carlsbad City Council meeting Carlsbad Village Association executive director Robin Young and other Carlsbad Skatepark, Museum and Action Arts Center proponents presented their plans for the space currently occupied by the City Yard on Oak Ave. near State St. according to a Barbara Henry story in the North County Times.
During Tuesday’s meeting, council members listened to the skateboarding proposal and asked questions, but did not endorse the idea. . . Councilman Mark Packard said he hoped that the group understood it would be several years before the land would be available. Project supporters said they knew this. . . “At first, we went ‘Oh, darn,’ and then we thought it gives us more time to raise the funds,” Young said. . . During her presentation, she had stressed that project supporters expect to fund their center through donations and grants. No city investment is needed, Young emphasized.
It seems the City Council was not all that interested in the project currently but as City Manger Lisa Hidabrand is quoted as saying, “Now’s a good time to plan, and we’ll be happy to work with the community to plan what’s out there.” Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but we’ll take it.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on April 28, 2010

Former USD Men’s Basketball Coach Brad Holland has been named the new Executive Director/CPO at Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad, according to a release sent out yesterday.
“I am delighted to say that we have identified the person we believe is best prepared to lead us into the future. Brad Holland’s experience and ability to inspire those around him make him an exemplary leader,” stated Scott Chelberg, the Club’s Board President. “We are excited to welcome him into our Clubhouse, and watch him interact and connect with our young members, board members, as well as community and business leaders.”
Holland is the all-time winningest basketball coach in USD history and he even won a World Championship with the Los Angeles Lakers. That doesn’t happen without amazing leadership skills. Holland sounds like a welcome addition to the team.
For all the details and the entire release, follow the jump.
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by The Editors on April 28, 2010
On Saturday, May 1, 2010, join the California State Parks for the Third Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest and coastal clean-up day.
The Carlsbad Beach Fest’s main focus is to provide citizens and beach users with the opportunity to participate in a beach cleanup. To take part in the cleanup and earn a raffle ticket, please sign in at the California State Parks Welcome Station down on the sand at Tamarack/Frazee State Beach at Pine Avenue. The beach cleanup will take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m on Saturday, May 1st. Trash and recycling bags will be made available. Participants should bring gloves.
But that’s not all. There will be live music, entertainment and at 9 AM beach volleyball legend Karch Kiraly will host a free volleyball clinic. Throw in 15 artists, a food court, and magicians and it makes an amazing day at the beach in Carlsbadistan. For more information click the link below.
[Link: Carlsbad Beach Fest]
by The Editors on April 25, 2010

On Tuesday, April 27, 2010, proponents of the Carlsbad Skatepark, Museum and Action Arts Center will present their plans (which include the skatepark shown above) for the old City Yard on Oak Avenue near State Street to the Carlsbad City Council.
The San Diego Union-Tribune outlines the group’s plans and discusses just how deeply skateboarding history runs in Carlsbad in a story titled Skateboarding legacy focus of Carlsbad plans.
Since January, the Carlsbad Village Association and a group of downtown business owners have been working on plans for a Skateboarding Museum and Action Arts Center. They say it would offer a much-needed outlet for local skaters and draw tourism to the city. . . “The (term) ‘skate park’ was actually coined in Carlsbad,” said Robin Young, the association’s executive director. “We thought, ‘What a perfect opportunity to pay homage to that rich history.’ ” . . . The association proposes building the center on land occupied by a city maintenance yard at Oak Avenue and State Street that is slated for redevelopment. Organizers envision a skateboarding museum, a skate park and an interactive, urban arts center.
Those in support of skateboarding in general and in Carlsbad specifically are encouraged to attend the City Council meeting on Tuesday evening at 6 PM. For more information click the links below and please vote in our poll in the right hand column of this page.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune, CSMAAC, and facebook]
by The Editors on April 25, 2010
The Surfrider Foundation has definitely not thrown in the town on their opposition to the Poseidon Resources Desalination Plant scheduled to be built in the shores of Carlsbadistan’s Agua Hedionda Lagoon.
The environmental group filed a lawsuit on Earth Day (April 22, 2010) challenging a permit approved by the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. Surfrider says that the “facility would kill countless marine organisms, with an illegal plan to replace these fish and other marine life through a restoration project somewhere else.”
“When the law says you must ‘minimize the intake and mortality’ of marine life, that doesn’t mean you can kill millions of marine organisms and then try to replace them somehow,” said Joe Geever, Surfrider Foundation’s California Policy Coordinator. “The Regional Water Quality Control Board misinterpreted the law, and it’s unfortunate the project has progressed this far without a final decision on the type of intake and facility design that meets California’s law to protect our precious marine environment.”
According to Michael Burge story in the San Diego Union-Tribune this is one of six lawsuits that have been filed regarding Poseidon’s plans for the lagoon. Three are still progress.
For the entire Surf Rider release, follow the jump or click here for Carlsbadistan’s coverage of the entire saga.
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by The Editors on April 25, 2010

We’e been skipping out on the Thursdays On The Coast Art Walks lately and we’ve been missing out. Don’t follow our example this week. Get on the streets of Carlsbadistan from 5:30 – 8:30 PM Thursday April 29, 2010. It will be a good time.
For more info visit