September 2019

Carlsbad High Students Produce Oneirataxia

by The Editors on September 17, 2019

Back:​ Cassie Nesbit, Evan Boda, Travis Kramer, Kathryn Yi, Bella EdelmanFront: ​Maddy McCarthy, Sachi Stewart, Marina Kenat, Dublin-Ireland Villa, Aly SutherlandNot pictured:​ Kobe Cowell, Sierra Benosa, Jason Guerrero, Cinjun Chiniquay
The student production club at Carlsbad High School are pleased to announce their second student run production Oneirataxia.

Following their “Love is Blind: A Spoken-Word Play,” “Oneirataxia” functions as the first official collaborative work of “Student Production Club,” a club dedicated to empowering students to write, direct, and act in their own theatrical and cinematic productions annually. The “Oneirataxia” production and Student Production Club work hand-in-hand to provide a platform for creative student expression. . . In a creativity-deprived world, any ounce of opposition is crushed immediately by “remediating” forces. When Beta is sent to the Eldritch Institute for the Misguided, she and her group of friends must escape the institute or else face death. In this hard-hitting piece highlighting the misuses of modern-day conformity, the gang discovers that changing the world will require some sacrifices.

The show runs October 10-12, 2019. For more information and to buy tickets click here.

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Yes, We Should Save The Stack

by The Editors on September 9, 2019

Retired Navy vet Jim Strickland told The San Diego Union Tribune that he likes the Carlsbad Stack and he thinks we should keep it. We totally agree (not only because its part of our logo).

“I like it, and I think it’s crazy to get rid of it,” said Jim Strickland, a retired Navy veteran and 19-year Carlsbad resident who has long admired the distinctive column. 

We also agree with Susan Gutierrez.

“It’s an iconic, visible symbol of Carlsbad,” said Gutierrez, president of the Carlsbad Historical Society. . . “As a resident, when I see the power plant stack from anywhere on the coast, I know I am in Carlsbad, and home,” she said.

Exactly. Apparently, the issue will be discussed by the Historic Preservation Commission tonight. For all the details, please click the link.

[Link: SDUT]

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