by The Editors on May 31, 2010

While we’re going to miss the original historic bridge at the dip in the Southbound lanes of 101 we’re glad the construction was complete before summer traffic heats up and that the no one else crashed through any barricades.
According to the City of Carlsbadistan everything went well:
The bridge project was finished on time and within budget of the original contract—even with the challenge of winter storms that damaged portions of Carlsbad Boulevard and led to the relocation of a sewer force main and protection of the Encina Wastewater Treatment Plant ocean outfall. . . . The new bridge consists of precast concrete segments and includes two lanes for vehicle traffic, a bicycle lane, shoulders and aluminum safety rails on each side. The bridge’s tan color is similar to the seawall projects built along Carlsbad Boulevard in the 1980s.
For the rest of the story from the city follow the jump. [click to continue…]
by The Editors on May 27, 2010
While the recent City Council hammer drop on the Carlsbad Fire Department resulted in what some consider to be an eight percent pay cut for Carlsbadistan’s fire fighters and second rate benefits for new hires, the Carlsbad Police Department has apparently reached a “tentative” deal that will give their staff a four percent raise over the next two years according to a Michael Burge story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
. . . the police officers will receive a 4 percent raise over two years, in two 2 percent installments. And they will pick up the 8 percent share of their pension contributions over two years, in two 4 percent increments. . . .The City Council this week didn’t impose a two-tier pension system on police officers, but plans to hold a vote in November to have residents decide whether to cap employee pension benefits.
According to our calculations that means the police officers only got a four percent pay cut of the next two years. Better than eight, right? Not only that but the new guys won’t get worse benefits.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on May 27, 2010
Legoland’s parent Merlin Entertainments is taking the whole SeaLife Aquarium concept to the America’s malls, according to a story in the Fort Worth Business Press.
The city of Grapevine [Texas] and The Mills, a division of the Simon Co. that owns Grapevine Mills Mall, signed an agreement with Merlin Entertainments to open the Sea Life aquarium attraction at the mall in the summer of 2011. The attraction will be located directly across from Merlin’s Legoland Discovery Centre, a $12 million Lego attraction announced last year and set to open at Grapevine Mills mall in March 2011.
Sounds like at least a few Texan’s won’t have to make the long trip to Carlsbadistan to see submerged Lego men swimming with sharks. Can’t say we’ll miss them.
[Link: Fort Worth Business Press]
by The Editors on May 27, 2010
Carlsbadistan’s New Village Arts Theatre drops into a steamy Tennessee Williams classic this Saturday May 29, 2010 with Summer And Smoke.
[The play]. . . tells the story of Alma (Jo Anne Glover), a minister’s daughter, and John (John DeCarlo), the hedonistic doctor next door. In her search for spirituality and lasting love, Alma is confronted with John’s need for sensual fulfillment. Their turbulent relationship becomes an emotional battle of wills that alters each of them irrevocably. Riveting and intense, this masterpiece takes the audience through the heart of a Mississippi summer.
Wonder if anyone gets kissed on the veranda? We’re guessing, yes. Opening night is May 29, 2010 at 8 PM and the ticket price includes a reception with the cast and crew following the show. Or, check it out tonight and tomorrow during “pay-what-you-can-previews” starting at 8 PM.
Follow the jump for more info or click here to purchase tickets.
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by The Editors on May 26, 2010

Time to get the picnic baskets, wine glasses, and cheese knives all cleaned up because Carlsbadistan’s Jazz in The Park is rolling in for the 25th rocking summer season. This summer will see nine free shows in three parks beginning June 25, 2010 at Stagecoach Park with Ruby & The Red Hots.
Continuing its commitment to present jazz in its many forms, the TGIF concerts cover a range from big band swing to west coast blues to Latin salsa, performed by some of the region’s most acclaimed bands. Nine TGIF concerts on consecutive Friday evenings begin June 25 and continue through August 20, presented by the city’s Cultural Arts Office and produced by On the Other Side Productions, Inc. All concerts begin at 6 p.m. and end at 8 p.m.
For the complete line-up and more infor follow the jump. . .
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by The Editors on May 26, 2010
![[Waterpark]452X297 Key](
Legoland California only presented their water park plans to the City of Carlsbad in September 2009 saying it would be open by summer and it appears that they’ve stayed right on track. Starting Friday, May 28, 2010 the world’s first Legoland Water Park will be open to the public from 10 AM to 5 PM each day (click here for full schedule).
Guests will explore eight areas of the 5.5 acre water wonderland including Orange Rush, a family tube slide where up to four people can ride together down a 312-foot long curving track on an 11-foot in diameter half pipe; Twin Chasers, two side-by-side enclosed red tube slides that stretch nearly 130 feet, Splash Out, an open body slide that invites guests to slide 240 feet and “splash out” into the water below; Joker Soaker, a fun interactive platform in the wade pool where kids can aim water cannons at each other as a LEGO jester model tells jokes and pours 350 gallons of water down upon them; a one-of-a-kind concept, Build-A-Raft River, where kids customize their own raft made of soft LEGO bricks before floating down a lazy river; Kid Creek, a lazy river built with younger kids in mind and DUPLO® Splash Safari, a water play area designed especially for toddlers with three small slides and interactive DUPLO creatures including an alligator, polar bear and an elephant.
But how much does it cost? Glad you asked. It’s only $77 for adults and $67 for kids 3 – 12. Huh? That’s right – the only way to visit the water park is to visit Legoland and pay extra for the slides. For locals with a season pass ($159 for adults, $129 for kids) it’s free. . . kinda.
[Link: Legoland Water Park]
by Thomas K. Arnold on May 26, 2010
I found it ironic that the day after the Carlsbad City Council imposed a realistic new contract on the city’s Firefighters Association, newspaper headlines up and down the state announced that the board of the California Public Employees Retirement System was asking the state for an additional $600 million handout to help pay for public employee retirement benefits next year.
The request (which was subsequently “delayed,” according to news reports, due to concerns about the state’s own financial viability) underscores the need for dramatic pension reform. Simply put, the overly generous benefits cities gave their employees in the early 2000s are unsustainable. We can’t afford to let our public safety employees retire at 50 and receive pensions as high as 90 percent of their peak-year salaries. But the unions that represent these workers have steadfastly refused to accept reality and renegotiate their contracts —- leading to two possible outcomes.
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by The Editors on May 22, 2010
A man walking home from the BJ’s Restaurant on Paseo del Norte was punched and robbed of his wallet Friday morning May 21, 2010 around 1 AM, according to a story in the North County Times.
. . . two men got out of a silver or gray Ford SUV and approached him near the intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Paseo Del Norte, according to police. They said one of the men hit the victim in the face and took his wallet. . . The men were described as about 20 years old, approximately 5 feet, 7 inches tall, and Latino, police said.
We’re glad the man wasn’t hurt more seriously.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on May 20, 2010
San Marcos artist Greg Evans, creator of the nationally syndicated Luann comic, has created the signature artwork for the Vigilucci’s Beach Bocce Ball World Championship XXX benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad.
Evans, a long time supporter of Boys & Girls Clubs, was the recipient of the 2003 Reuben Award as Cartoonist of the Year. He has also written two musicals – Luann: Scenes from a Teen’s Life (2008) and Wrinkles (2010). His artwork for the tournament features Luann, the lead character in his 25 year old cartoon, and her beloved dog Puddles. . . Posters showcasing Bocce Luann will be placed throughout the North County coastal area, and have become quite the collector’s item. Autographed posters will be available for purchase at the event or by contacting Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad.
The event goes down July 17, 2010 at Dog Beach in Del Mar, but all the money raised comes back to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad. Nice how that works, huh? Follow the jump for more details.
[click to continue…]
by The Editors on May 19, 2010
A 51-year-old woman who had been at the Coyote Bar earlier in the night was struck and killed by a freight train Tuesday May 18, 2010 around 10:30 PM, according to a story in the San Jose Mercury News.
San Diego County sheriff’s Sgt. Thomas Yancey says the woman had been jumping on and off the tracks moments before the train struck at about 10:30 p.m. Tuesday near Grand Avenue. Red lights were flashing and the crossing arm was lowered. . . Investigators say the woman had earlier been arguing with someone in the nearby Coyote’s bar.
The name of the woman, who was from Washington State according to, has not yet been released by the Sheriff’s office.
[Update: The North County Times has reported that the woman who died was Mary Agnes Cole of Oceanside, California. Not of Washington State as originally reported.]
[Link: San Jose Mercury News and]