by The Editors on October 31, 2010

Luigi, Mario, and Princess Peach looking super at Halloween on Elm.
The streets of the Village of Carlsbadistan were filled yesterday (October 30, 2010) with pirates and bumble bees, spider men and fairy princesses, dead girls and ghosts, as the City of Carlsbad hosted Halloween on Elm. The event sponsored by the Carlsbad Education Foundation, New Village Arts Theatre, Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad, and the Carlsbad Village Association.
Kids jumped on bouncy bounces on South State Street, toured the Boys & Girls Club Haunted Mansion on Oak Street, made Halloween crafts at the Coaster Station, put on makeup at New Village Arts Theatre, and hunted the streets for what little candy they could find. So many costumed kids descended on the Village by 3 PM that most of the participating merchants were completely out of candy by 4 PM (the event ran until 9 PM).
“I bought three huge bags of candy just like I did last year and gave it all away in the first two hours,” said one State Street shop owner. “We really weren’t expecting this many people.”
That seemed to be the story at many of the Village shops. We ran into several families with disappointed kids. But the dearth of trick or treating opportunities was completely forgotten once the kids got inside the bouncy bounces, started making art, or sat on hay bales watching the Valley Middle School band concert. There was so much going on all over the Village that most kids didn’t even miss not getting any candy. Plus, as someone reminded us: we’ve still got Halloween tomorrow.
Click here for a photo gallery from a Happy Halloween in the Village of Carlsbadistan.
by The Editors on October 30, 2010
If we can do something about this rain today will turn out to be epic holiday fun for the kids as the City of Carlsbad presents Halloween on Elm.
“Halloween on Elm is a great place for people to meet their neighbors and enjoy an afternoon of fun and activities in the heart of the village,” said Housing & Neighborhood Services Director, Debbie Fountain. “From carnival games and costume contests to the outdoor movie and the farmers’ market, there is something for everyone.”
Kids will be able to trick or treat local business, jump in a bouncy house, participate in contests, watch an outdoor Halloween movie and much, much more.
Halloween on Elm begins at 2 p.m. today (October 30, 20-10) and runs until 9 PM. The events are primarily located on State and Roosevelt streets. For a complete printable schedule and map of today’s event follow the jump.
[click to continue…]
by The Editors on October 28, 2010

No better way to explain how tired everyone is getting of all the campaign sign clutter in Carlsbadistan than this message on Aviara.
by The Editors on October 28, 2010
The first link in last night’s bumper car chain reaction in Carlsbadistan was when Alexander Roslund plowed his minivan through a red light at the corner of College Boulevard and Carlsbad Village Drive. He slammed into another minivan injuring a 15-year-old girl according to a story in the North County Times.
The second crash occurred when a driver distracted by watching the first crash drifted into a neighboring lane and sideswiped another vehicle, Chapman said. The distracted driver lost control of her vehicle and slammed into an electrical box, causing a power outage that lasted through the night, according to the sergeant.
All this at 7:50 PM? Wasn’t the World Series still on?
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on October 28, 2010

If you’re at work right now (or, God help you, away from Carlsbadistan), this is what you’re missing at 10:58 AM. Oddly, there are no campaign signs on the sand, yet.
by Thomas K. Arnold on October 20, 2010
In these days of millionaire politicians and campaign budgets that rival the gross national product of some fair-sized nations, it’s heartening to see some good old-fashioned campaigning going on here in North County.
Most candidates have been stung by the economy and aren’t collecting as much money as they used to. I wouldn’t be surprised if the total price tag for North County elections is less than it was four years ago, when many of the same seats were up for grabs.
Oh, we’re still seeing our share of slick mailers, glossy campaign pamphlets and ubiquitous signs. But we’re also seeing candidates taking to the streets, ringing doorbells and shaking hands with voters—far more than in the past, most observers agree. We’re seeing neighborhood meet-and-greets, barbecues, and candidate appearances at all sorts of community and neighborhood events.
And of all the people running for office, perhaps no one is working harder than Farrah Douglas, the Carlsbad planning commissioner now making her second attempt to land a seat on the city council.
[click to continue…]
by The Editors on October 20, 2010

Please attend a forum before voting. It is shocking to see the differences in the candidates.
by The Editors on October 18, 2010
Speaking of cliffs. . . It appears women aren’t the only ones having trouble with our bluffs. TMZ is reporting this morning that football great Junior Seau drove his Cadillac SUV off a Carlsbadistan cliff moments several hours after being released from a 2 AM domestic violence arrest on Monday, October 18, 2010.
We’re told Seau was arrested in San Diego early this morning — and booked into the Vista Detention Facility around 2:00 AM. . . We’re told the retired NFL superstar sustained injuries in the wreck — cops are on scene. TMZ obtained these photos of Seau’s Cadillac Escalade which landed at the bottom of a cliff several feet from the beach.
It appears he went off the cliff just south of the Hilton Garden Inn on Carlsbad Blvd. Seau was reportedly taken to a local hospital. Of all the stories for us to miss. . . we’ll keep you posted. Special thanks to Carlsbadistan tipsters on this one.
by The Editors on October 18, 2010
Another panga full of suspected illegal immigrants was arrested at Carlsbadistan’s Ponto Beach (a.k.a Ponto Landing) at 2:30 AM on Friday October, 16, 2010. Thanks to work from a “multiagency force” 21 people were arrested, according to a story in the North County Times.
Many of those aboard the boat ran ashore, while three others tried to escape by pushing the boat back to sea —- but they gave up that attempt when they spotted the emergency lights of an approaching boat with law enforcement officers aboard, the agency said. . . Officials arrested 20 men and one woman as suspected illegal immigrants, and seized the boat, officials said.
For a Carlsbadistan record of past Ponto arrests click here.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on October 15, 2010

What is it with women and Carlsbadistan cliffs these days? For the second time in two months a woman has been injured falling from a Carlsbad cliff. In August a 19-year-old woman attempted to jump into the ocean from a cliff and missed the water (not that landing in four inches of water would have helped). Then on Tuesday night, October 12, 2010, a Riverside woman was jogging with her boyfriend when she fell 25 feet, according to a story on
Firefighters told 10News that the woman, who is in her 30s, was running along the cliffs with her boyfriend, when they did not realize the trail abruptly ended. . . The woman fell about 25 feet to a ledge, which sat right above another 15- to 20-foot drop to the beach below, according to firefighters.
Seems the fence that runs along the entire top of the cliff was not enough of a deterrent.
If Only We Could. . .
by The Editors on October 28, 2010
No better way to explain how tired everyone is getting of all the campaign sign clutter in Carlsbadistan than this message on Aviara.
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