We’ve been biking and walking Carlsbadistan for a while now, but we’re glad to see the City of Carlsbad getting behind the program as well with the new Bike & Walk Carlsbad Project. The project is. . .
. . . a campaign to promote walking and biking in Carlsbad, just in time for those seeking fitness and lifestyle changes in the new year. The 12-month effort, funded with a grant by the San Diego Association of Governments, will encourage more walking and biking throughout the city, with a special emphasis on the Village area. . . City of Carlsbad Associate Planner Pam Drew said Carlsbad is a perfect place for a campaign like Walk + Bike. . . “With new bike racks, bike lanes and lighting, it is easier than ever to walk and bike in Carlsbad Village,” said Drew, who is overseeing the campaign for the city. “Walk + Bike fits right in with the community’s values around healthy lifestyles, connectivity, sustainability and economic vitality.”
And if this works well, maybe the City can close a few Carlsbad Village streets to automobile traffic entirely. . . guess we can dream, huh? For the official word from the City and The San Diego Association of Governments, please follow the jump.Walk + Bike Carlsbad Launches
The City of Carlsbad, Circulate San Diego and the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition announced today the launch of Walk + Bike Carlsbad, a campaign to promote walking and biking in Carlsbad, just in time for those seeking fitness and lifestyle changes in the new year. The 12-month effort, funded with a grant by the San Diego Association of Governments, will encourage more walking and biking throughout the city, with a special emphasis on the Village area.
City of Carlsbad Associate Planner Pam Drew said Carlsbad is a perfect place for a campaign like Walk + Bike.
“With new bike racks, bike lanes and lighting, it is easier than ever to walk and bike in Carlsbad Village,” said Drew, who is overseeing the campaign for the city. “Walk + Bike fits right in with the community’s values around healthy lifestyles, connectivity, sustainability and economic vitality.”
The San Diego Association of Governments provides “active transportation” grants to support the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, alleviate traffic congestion and improve public health throughout the region. The Walk + Bike Carlsbad campaign will serve as a model for the San Diego region to be replicated in other cities for similar campaigns.
According to America Walks, nearly half of the trips made by car in the U.S. are under one mile. These short, one-mile trips equate to a less than five minute bicycle ride or a 20 minute walk. Walk + Bike Carlsbad encourages turning these short driving trips into walking and bicycling trips.
Circulate San Diego Executive Director Jim Stone said, “Walk + Bike is a natural fit for Carlsbad because it is such a great environment for these kinds of activities. With the campaign, we’re suggesting people leave the car in the driveway for those short trips around town, rather than driving. Taking this step allows you to rediscover the joy, beauty, and benefits of walking and biking.”
The campaign will include events, outreach to schools, business promotions and other activities throughout the year. In January, casual walk and bike “meetups” will be held, along with the campaign’s first mobility workshop on Jan. 31 at the Carlsbad Senior Center. More details about these events can be found on the campaign website at www.carlsbadca.gov/walkbike.
San Diego County Bicycle Coalition Executive Director Andy Hanshaw said, “We are excited to partner with the city and Circulate San Diego on this campaign and to host the first Walk + Bike mobility workshop on Jan. 31. The City of Carlsbad has already made significant investments in its walking and biking infrastructure by putting in bike racks and adding crosswalks. We hope the workshops and other events will help encourage the community to take advantage of this infrastructure by walking and biking more.”
This campaign builds on recent improvements made as part of the city’s “livable streets” program, which aims to make city streets more accessible to people using all modes of transportation, not just vehicles. In addition to the new bike racks and crosswalks, the city has made it easier to walk or bike by improving bike lanes, adding new bike lanes and “sharrows,” widening sidewalks and improving signage and lighting. Many of these projects were made possible through SANDAG grants.
“The City of Carlsbad is proud to partner on Walk + Bike Carlsbad with the region’s leading experts in active transportation,“ said Drew. “We’re excited to be seen as a model in promoting active transportation and working with our partners. Their expertise, combined with the city’s investment in better infrastructure for walkers and bicyclists, will be important for the campaign’s success. We also need the community’s participation in the events and activities that will take place throughout the year.”
For more information, visit www.carlsbadca.gov/walkbike.
For more information
Pam Drew, 760- 602-4644, pam.drew@carlsbadca.gov