St. Patrick’s Grand Opening Celebration

by The Editors on January 25, 2017

St. Patrick Catholic School, a 51 year-old parochial school in Carlsbad, will be holding a Grand Opening Celebration and Open House this weekend, January 28-29, 2017. Both events are open to the public and will provide the local community with an inside look of the newly rebuilt and remodeled 17,000 sq-foot school.

On Saturday from 11 am until 3 pm, there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony, facility tours and a celebration party where the public can meet and greet with members of the school community. Food and beverages will be provided.

On Sunday from 10 am until 12 pm, there will be an open house providing a closer look of the school. Each of the classrooms can be visited, providing an opportunity for parents to gain an in depth understanding of daily curriculum and meet teachers one on one.

“It is a very exciting time for our school community, as we have reached a major milestone in the completion of our rebuild and remodel project,” said Principal Denise Nelson. “The heart and core of our school community remains, but now has a beautiful facility to match it. We are very blessed to have a thriving school that not only excels academically, but also remains focused on ‘being the light’.”

For all the details, please follow the jump.

The newly built 4,000 sq-foot building houses two sets of 3-8 grades, a science lab, a media center and a library with a dedicated reading resource area. The original 1962 school building has been renovated and extended, providing a new school entrance, administration offices, a Spanish classroom, music classroom, covered lunch area and two sets of K-2 classrooms.

A large grass field has also been added with a new hardscape area nearing completion.

St. Patrick Catholic School provides a blended traditional and Common Core academic curriculum. Spanish, art, drama, technology, music, P.E. and religion classes are also provided. A wide variety of learning options are available including the use of iPads, Smart Boards and a tech lab. After school sports clubs and before and after school childcare is available. Community service is a requirement for all students, teaching leadership and compassion.

St. Patrick Catholic School Grand Opening Celebration
January 28, 2017
11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

St. Patrick Catholic School Open House
January 29, 2017
10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

3920 Pio Pico Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92008

For more information, please call 760.729.1333

About St. Patrick Catholic School
St. Patrick Catholic School, founded in 1962, provides a Christ-centered, well-rounded education for a community of nearly 500 students in kindergarten through eighth grades. Our accredited academic program meets national standards and offers a balance of Common Core and traditional teaching techniques in core subjects, along with five weekly electives for all grades including Spanish and technology. In addition to our strong academic program, the school’s commitment to serving others—we call it “being the light”— provides leadership and community service opportunities that help nurture St. Patrick’s students into becoming compassionate, highly respected young adults. St. Patrick’s, a pillar in the Carlsbad community, is proud to instill faith, leadership and knowledge in our youth. For more information visit

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