Carlsbad’s Future Diamond Lane Life

by The Editors on October 16, 2007

1 01 2810 15 07ACalifornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (yeah, remember him?) was in Solana Beach yesterday kicking off plans for his $42 billion campaign to “rebuild the state’s aging infrastructure.” His first project? Adding diamond lanes to Interstate 5 all the way to Cannon Rd in Carlsbad.

Schwarzenegger said the $66 million project to extend car-pool lanes on Interstate 5 from Via de la Valle in the Del Mar area to Manchester Avenue in Encinitas. . . Getting under way this week, the two-mile-long car-pool project is expected to be completed by March 2010. The project is the first leg of a $1 billion effort that ultimately will extend diamond lanes north to Cannon Road in Carlsbad by the middle of next decade, transportation officials said.

Wow. When you think of all the cool public transportation ideas that could use $1 billion, it seems like a crime to spend it making an already gigantic freeway one lane wider. Talk about a lack of vision.

[Link: North County Times]

Regis Weber October 16, 2007 at 8:16 pm

You’re way off on this one. Nobody around here is going to use public transportation. Get over it. They simply want the freedom of coming and going when they want. Plus, people’s work around here is way too spread out. If this were some small town where everybody worked at the local paper mill, it might work. Carlsbad and Oceanside have replaced the merge and Solana Beach as the traffic mess now. We need more lanes, and not half-use lanes reserved for car pools but are actually populated by slow-driving soccer Moms. They don’t take cars off of the road. CAR POOL LANES DON’T WORK!!

Carlsbadisbeige October 17, 2007 at 9:19 pm

So now we get the Del Mar slowdown in Carlsbad. Nothing like a lane ending to slow traffic. Why not add the extra lane clear through to the OC.
And Regis, I use public transportation frequently, and I’d use it more if more were available

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