Jenny McCarthy Lights Lego “Holiday” Tree

by The Editors on November 27, 2007

1371494387_jenny-mccarthy-zoomJenny McCarthy, the former Playboy Playmate, best selling author, and autism activist, along with her five-year-old son Evan plugged in the power cord at Legoland last night to light the “world’s largest Lego holiday tree.”

The ceremony, which also featured Carlsbad Firefighters and Santa Claus, brought special meaning to more than 3,000 California families coping with autism as LEGOLAND California’s President and General Manager John Jakobsen presented $10,000 to Talk About Curing Autism (TACA).

Legolands’ Jakobsen also announced that beginning today they will be “offering all active fire and law enforcement with valid ID and up to three immediate family members a complimentary fun-filled day at LEGOLAND.” Season’s greetings.


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