The Carlsbadistan Twelve Days of Christmas #4: Havaianas Sandals From The M Collection

by The Editors on December 4, 2007

HavaianasWhile the rest of the world gives each other woolen slippers for Christmas, Carlsbadistanians can be happy that we are able to gift the traditional Hawaiian “slippah” instead. Sure you can pick up a pair of Rainbows, Reefs, Cobain, or other flip-flops at various stores around the village, but we’re backing these Havaianas from The M Collection on State Street. They’re your basic rubber flip, but thanks to a special and highly guarded Brazillian rubber recipe these things are soft as those marshmallows you just put in your hot-cocoa. Plus, with a price that hovers around $15 dollars they’re cheap enough to stock up on.

The M Collection, 2971 State Street, (760) 720-1252.

Herman Siemsen December 4, 2007 at 10:08 am

My wife and I think this is a very nice thing to do for those of use especially that have a difficult time with choosing gifts.

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