The St. Patrick’s Day Bar Blotter

by The Editors on March 19, 2008

We thought St. Patricks day would be a nice time to kick off a new feature on Carlsbadistan. We’re calling it the Bar Blotter. Each report will feature all the police activities at Carlsbadistan bars. Here’s how it went the evening of March 17-18, 2008, according to the Carlsbad Police Department.

08:21 PM Dini’s: Location cited for being “overcrowded.”

10:27 PM Coyote Bar: Some parties needed separating.

10:36 PM Alley Bar: Noted, but nothing reported.

10:43 PM Alley Bar: Noted, but nothing reported.

11:09 PM Boars Crossing: Man cited for dropping his cigarette ashes on the ground in violation of California Penal Code 23111

11:19 PM Peabody’s: Subjects were fighting inside Peabody’s. Parties were separated now, but suspect still on the scene.

And that’s it. Looks like it was another good night in Carlsbadistan.

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