The 411 On The 442

by The Editors on April 25, 2008

Longtime Carlsbadistan residents (and especially business owners) just can’t seem to get a break with it comes to area codes. We’ve already had a 619 phone number and a 760 number and now it looks like we’re going to get a new one: 442.

The new 442 code will go live six months from Thursday’s vote. Starting next year, all callers will have to dial the 442 prefix instead of 760 to reach people in heavily populated suburbs like Carlsbad, Escondido and Vista. . . . The vote splits those communities from rural areas stretching from the Mexican border north to Mono county along the Nevada border, which will still be covered by the 760 area code.

Well, the good news is that we’ll finally have a Primus song about us: “. . . with a Bocephus sticker on his 442 he’d light ’em up just for fun.”

[Link: Mercury News]

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