BMXer Risks Life For RedBull

by The Editors on June 10, 2008

Bmx Jump

On June 12, 2008 Carlsbadistan BMXer Kevin Robinson, 36, will be in New York’s central park attempting to break Mat Hoffman’s quarterpipe BMX air record of 50 feet, 6 inches as part of the Red Bull Experiment series, according to a Scott Bair story in the North County Times.

“I’m not going to lie. I’m scared, but that’s what riding’s all about,” said Robinson, who has undergone several major surgeries during his career. “If you’re not scared, you tend not to respect the situation. . . . The main thing is to be able to cross the fear barrier regardless of the consequences. No matter what, there are times where you’re scared as hell to drop in and try a new trick, but you roll in anyway. The result could end up fine or you could end up getting hurt. There’s always that uncertainty, but you have to push through it.”

And we can all watch it live on from 5-6pm PST on Thursday. Hopefully, it won’t be another Jake Brown incident. But if it is, just think how much coverage RedBull will get? Follow the jump for a video preview.

[Link: North County Times]

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