Union-Tribune Picks Kulchin And Blackburn

by The Editors on October 13, 2008

To decide who they are going to endorse San Diego’s traditionally conservative Union-Tribune sits all six candidates down with “a member of the editorial board” and lets them make their case for being elected. After that sit down the U-T selected Ann Kulchin and Keith Blackburn.

Here is some of their reasoning for Kulchin:

Kulchin has a long record of service to her community. And while the prospect of new blood is always appealing, the 76-year-old hasn’t done anything to warrant her removal. She should be re-elected for what we’d respectfully suggest should be her final term.

And their Keith Blackburn logic goes like this:

A family man and longtime resident of Carlsbad, Blackburn has a rare and useful blend of service in three fields: public, private and philanthropic. As a police sergeant who has been on the job for more than two decades, he understands the city better than most – and in ways that many other residents wouldn’t be able to appreciate. He has pledged to resign from the Police Department if elected. Blackburn is also a successful businessman, and he is the head of a family charitable foundation that donates funds to local community organizations.

We figure if Ann Kulchin only wants one more go round she might as well start her retirement this year. And as much as we absolutely adore Keith Blackburn as the handsome, polite, well-spoken, thoughtful policeman straight out of central casting, we really don’t like the thought of the managing partner of a “$30 million real estate investment company” deciding the future of Carlsbad, no matter how much he says he loves “open space,” pristine beaches, and our “quaint Village.”

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

watcher October 13, 2008 at 9:00 am

Do Kulchin and Blackburn get their campaign money from the same people that are part of the UT untouchables? Has anyone done an analysis of their campaign contributions?

Carlsbadoin October 13, 2008 at 2:02 pm

By the way, The North County Times endorsed Kulchin and Douglas (a former realtor).

I emailed and found out the U-T candidate interviewer was Ruben Navarrette.

Kulchin, Blackburn, Douglas, and Arnold have raised over $200,000 and the Firefighters PAC has raised another $50,000 (which has endorsed Kulchin and Blackburn). Glen Bernard hasn’t raised any money but he’s a realtor and prone to extreme positions. The Sigafoose / credit card scandal evaporated almost as soon as he described it.

Record campaign spending: where is the fiscally conservative, good judgement in that? Once again, the plucky little 19-year old is setting a better example.

Evan Rodgers is free from developer money, special interest influence, and immune to the all-consuming fever to approve further paving over and construction when a third of the buildings sit empty.

Green October 13, 2008 at 3:39 pm

Good to see people are finally coming around but don’t forget that not all have spent everything they raised yet. To be fair, Arnold has raised less than a third the amount that Kulchin, Douglas, and Blackburn each raised. Not slamming you, Carlsbadoin, just trying to keep the details untangled.

worried October 15, 2008 at 10:17 am

Has anyone other than Matt Hall said they are running for mayor in 2010?

Green October 27, 2008 at 12:43 pm

It’s now up over a quarter of a million dollars raised in the city council race.

Scott October 28, 2008 at 7:41 pm

No one else has stated that they are going to run for Mayor yet. Maybe Bud will stay for four more years? 🙂

green October 28, 2008 at 8:28 pm

Bernard and/or Griffith will probably run again for mayor. With Hall running for mayor, that leaves 2 council seats open again. I doubt Douglas would run against Hall. Lewis and Kulchin have both said recently they won’t run again.

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