Moog Collection At Museum of Making Music

by The Editors on February 4, 2009

 MoogIt seems like a long way off right now, but we’re putting in on the calendar just to make sure we don’t miss it. The Museum of Making Music in Carlsbadistan will present the world’s first Bob Moog Retrospective beginning in September. The Moog was the original synthesizer that helped create modern music.

Here is what Moog’s daughter Michelle Moog-Koussa had to say about it.

The Museum of Making Music will be hosting the first ever Bob Moog Retrospective exhibit from September 2009-March 2010. A formal announcement about that exhibit is forthcoming. I spent much of the weekend in meetings with the MoMM’s excellent staff about this exhibit and came away feeling excited about our collaboration and delighted at the prospect of bringing my father’s archives out for people to explore. We’ve come a long way from the moldy workshop!!

[Link: Synthtopia]

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