Working At Home Secrets From Carlsbad

by The Editors on March 29, 2009

3D Bookcover72Sml.JpgIn their new book Undress For Success: The Naked Truth About Making Money at Home (released last week by John Wiley & Sons), Carlsbadistan based writers Kate Lister and Tom Harnish explain the ins and outs of working from home.

Do you dream of working from home? Are you sick of the work-at-home scams and the miscreants who pretend to show you the way? Are you tired of the ‘make money while you sleep’ ads? . . . Undress for Success delivers a real-world, step-by-step guide to how you can earn a living as a home-based employee, freelancer, or entrepreneur. . . If you’re bummed out, burned out, and stressed out and eager to trade your business suit for a sweatsuit, we’ll show you the way home.

Sounds like exactly what we’re looking for. We haven’t read the book yet, but hopefully they’ll answer the biggest question we’ve been having lately: how do you get any work done at home when you live in the most beautiful city in the world and the beach is just a short walk away?

[Link: Undress For Success]

Tom Harnish March 29, 2009 at 4:19 pm

Hey, thanks for the splash!

How do you get any work done in this beautiful place? When ever you want to, that’s the beauty of working at home—you’re your own boss and you’re the one who makes the work schedule. That means you can also schedule time to play at the beach.

I’m usually up at 5 and work till 7. Then I play till about 8:30. Then back to work for a few hours before a work out and shower. A bite of lunch on the back porch enjoying the great ocean view, then some serious work in the afternoon till about 7. (We both are slow starters and find we’re most productive in the PM.)

Kate and I work a few feet from each other, spending more time together and working harder than we ever have before—and loving our life more than ever before.

But it does take discipline to work when the beach beckons, and it also takes discipline NOT to work and to go enjoy the beach even when new email beckons. But we cover that all in the book (it’s at booksellers now), along with how to keep from losing your shirt when you undress for success, how to sell your boss on the idea, how to crank up a freelance lifestyle and even how to start a home-based business.

Read the Introduction chapter at for details.

We also have a Telework Savings Calculator on our website at that shows Carlsbad residents could save about $6,500 a year each if they worked at home just 2.5 days a week. You can use it to figure how much Carlsbad c company could save too. And the results don’t even include a figure for how much more productive employees are when they work at home. Studies show it’s anywhere from 25-45%, believe it or not. But we offer a balanced view and look closely at the downside too.

Thanks for noticing!

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