The Real Carlsbadistan Bandits

by The Editors on July 14, 2009


Carlsbadistan resident Peter Meade and his wife woke up Monday morning to crows making a crazy racket in the forty-foot-tall Star Pine outside their bedroom window. Meade’s wife decided to go check it out:

It wasn’t until she wandered into the kitchen and looked out the door that my wife saw the reason for the commotion. This rascally Rascal was strolling around our backyard. The raccoon must have weighed at least 35 pounds but moved like a ballerina as I followed him around our yard. Finally having enough of putting on a show, he climbed to the top of our back fence, did a nifty tightrope act and bolted across Monroe Street before heading to a neighbor’s yard where he adeptly dashed up a huge palm tree.

Yep, it’s still pretty wild out there. . . thankfully.

carlsbadisbeige July 16, 2009 at 9:24 am

We were treated to an early morning racoon hook-up a couple years ago. Loud, prolonged, and aggressive. It gave the kids fun things to talk about in class. Raises hand….”There were raccoons mating in our backyard this morning.” Yup…still pretty wild….

Hotelier July 20, 2009 at 1:18 pm

Ha ha ha
Don’t be mean to this animal. It wants to eat and drink, too. Just like human.

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