Get Behind The Moog Mind AT MoMM

by The Editors on January 20, 2010


On Saturday, January 23, 2010 at 7 PM Carlsbadistan’s Museum of Making Music is presenting an evening of music and conversation in a special multi-media performance combining live music, discussion, and video presentation by two renowned American electronic music pioneers, composers, and synthesists: Dr. Herb Deutsch of Hofstra University and Dr. John Eaton of the University of Chicago.

The program starts with music and conversation by Dr. Deutsch (pictured above), whose serendipitous encounter and collaboration with Dr. Moog in 1964 launched the development of the Moog synthesizer and impacted the future of electronic and rock music in the U.S. Then, the evening will continue with a video-presentation and demonstration by Dr. John Eaton, MacArthur Fellow and recognized composer and performer of electronic and microtonal music.

If you, like us, prefer music of a more electronic nature, then this presentation should not be missed.

Tickets are $10 ($7 for members and students) and can be purchased by clicking here.

[Link: Museum of Making Music]

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