Carlsbadistan Paraplegic To Climb Kilimanjaro

by The Editors on January 26, 2010

Erica DavisIf everything goes well Carlsbadistan’s Erica Davis will be the first paraplegic woman to climb Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro, according to a story on

With the help of a specially made wheelchair and a team from the Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology Institute, which will carry her about 60 percent of the time, Davis hopes Monday to be atop the tallest free-standing mountain in the world – 19,340 feet above sea level. . . “Reaching the top is showing that it doesn’t matter what it is, you can do it, because there are people out there willing and wanting to help you,” Davis said. “I think it will show other challenged athletes that you have two choices. You can lay there on the couch being depressed or look at it as a new chapter in your book of life. It will bring different things to your life. Your life is not over in any way.”

Davis was paralyzed from the waist down in 2005 when she suffered a “cavernous hemangioma.” Since then she’s competed in cycling races, triathlons, and two marathons. We’re pretty confident she’ll summit.


Steve January 28, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Thanks for putting the word out. You can follow Erica’s daily climb at Steve

Steve February 13, 2010 at 7:31 am

If I’m reading the website Steve put up there correctly, Erica not only made the ascent, but is either on the way, or has arrived back in the states. Kudos to her and to all the athletes who made the trek! On a side note: she’s like, the total package; smart, good looking, athletic, goal-oriented, and determined. Somebody is lucky to have her in their lives; would that that somebody were me! Best to Erica, et al.

Steve C.

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