Councilman Blackburn Gunning For Mayor

by The Editors on February 19, 2010

490A2628-3Caa-5C8D-Bc06-78B272485B42-1.Preview-300Keith Blackburn, the former Carlsbad Police officer and current Carlsbadistan City Councilman has announced that he will be running for Mayor according to a Barbara Henry story in the North County Times.

As he announced his mayoral bid Thursday, Blackburn said his candidacy would focus on economic development, open space land purchases and the long-discussed Alga Norte park project. . . He also said that he wants to purchase open space land for preservation now while local real estate prices are more affordable and he wants to get the swim complex planned for the future Alga Norte park open as soon as possible, even if it means dipping into the city’s substantial reserves to cover its daily operations expenses. . . “We can run that pool for 10 years … before we have to tap into our general fund,” he said.

If he promises to get the Alga Norte skateboard park and pool running ASAP, then he has our vote for certain.

[Link: North County Times]

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