SWAT Team Arrest Yelling Man Quietly

by The Editors on July 9, 2010

The Carlsbad Police Department’s SWAT team arrived at a La Golondrina Street residents at just before 9 AM on Thursday, July 8, 2010 after neighbors had reported a man shouting threats, according to a story on 10News.com.

As the SWAT officers took up positions around the home, police continued trying to negotiate the resident’s peaceful surrender by telephone. . . About 10:10 a.m., the man walked out a back door and was taken into custody without incident. Officers then went through the home, discovering he had been inside by himself, Lt. Kelly Cain said.

Police said the 50-year-old man appeared to be having some “mental health issues.” We’d say.

[Link: 10News.com]

Randy July 9, 2010 at 11:48 am

To the editor: Did you have to add the “We’d say” at the end? That comes from a superiority viewpoint and is highly judge “mental”. I don’t know who this story is about but neither do you. You have no idea what the guy was going through or why he was having a hard time so keep your superiority complex out of it. If you don’t judge others now, then later, when you have a hard time and need understanding, you won’t feel so bad.

Josh July 9, 2010 at 3:25 pm

Randy, get a life. It’s not a superiority complex. It’s an editorial blog, that’s why his title is “editor”. If you hadn’t noticed, most of the posts on this site are of a cynical nature. Generally, in a town like Carlsbad, you do something to garner a SWAT response, you were probably out of your gourd.

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