Carlsbadistan Mayoral Forum Number One

by The Editors on August 20, 2010

Carlsbadistan will get its first chance to hear from our four three of our mayoral candidates as the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated host the first forum/luncheon on Tuesday August 24, 2010, according to as story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

The forum will following a social hour and luncheon that begins at 11 a.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd. . . Tickets for the luncheon are $25. Reservations can be made by calling (760) 434-6478 or by email at

We’re not really sure which candidates will be there. Keith Blackburn, Matt Hall, or Walt Meier? Glenn Bernard said in an email that he was told only “registered Republicans could be there, so I’m left out.” Maybe this luncheon is simply a fund raiser for Matt Hall. If the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated ever get back to us, we’ll let you know.

[Update: 10:42 PM August 22, 2010] This morning we received a polite email from Carlsbad Republican Women Federated’s Judy Rees, VP on behalf of Crystal Harris President, explaining that Keith Blackburn, Matt Hall, and Walt Meier will be speaking at the Mayoral Forum on Tuesday, however because of the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated’s bylaws “Article 1V- Section 2” which states that “This Club shall not invite nor permit a person registered in any party other than the Republican Party to speak at any meeting” the other candidate was not invited to speak. Rees went on to say that while everyone who has a reservation is welcome at the forum, only Republican candidates can speak.

For a slightly less polite, more biting reiteration of the above information, be sure to read Carlsbad Republican Women Federated associate member James McMillen’s comments listed below.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

James McMillen August 22, 2010 at 8:07 pm

If you had done your homework you would have realized that it is a republican political organization and their By-Laws prohibit candidates of other political parties from speaking at their meetings but are free to attend. There are no “show me your badge” when attending.

Furthermore , you were informed of this. (re: ‘if they ever get back to us”).

Also, your inference that this is a fundraiser for Mr. Hall is a below the belt cheap shot, totally uncalled for. Their meetings are not fundraisers for anyone, EVER! To imply such is an insult to both Mr. Hall and the Carlsbad Republican Women Federated.

James McMillen
Associate Member
Carlsbad Republican Women Federated.

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