Carlsbad Bridges (Not) Falling Down

by The Editors on August 26, 2007

 Uniontrib 20070826 Images Met-Bridge280The bridge that takes The 5 over Carlsbad’s Batiquitos Lagoon is 42-years old, and last week Caltrans workers Xing Fang and Kenneth Vo took a closer look at it to make sure it’s safe. According to the San Diego Union Tribune it’s something Caltrans does every two years.

In its most recent inspection, in 2005, the west side of the bridge received a sufficiency rating of 97. The east side was given an 86. A bridge receiving a rating of 50 or less, and designated as “structurally deficient” or “functionally obsolete,” qualifies for federal replacement funding. . . Last week, Fang and Vo spotted what appeared to be a new problem: heavy erosion near one of the bridge’s footings.

Fang said this didn’t pose any “immediate danger,” however, they would work with Caltrans to come up with a solution. You know, because we don’t any bridges falling down especially when they carry 212,000 cars a day through Carlsbad.

[Link: San Diego Union Tribune]

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