Finally. . . The Kids Are Back In School

by The Editors on August 28, 2007

2 02 278 27 07For older Carlsbadistan residents yesterday was the day to begin letting out that annual sigh of relief as those pesky, smart aleck, trouble-making high school kids begin returning to class.

La Costa Canyon students started their new school year yesterday, but we’ll have to wait one more day before the Carlsbad Unified School District is back in session and the beaches, streets, and parking lots of The Village return to their pleasant peaceful non-summer status.

To us the summer seemed short and waveless. In fact, we’d have to say it was the shortest summer ever. And now as fall is creeping in, and the tourist season is almost over, we’re looking forward to two months of blue skies, warm water, and empty waves. Because there really is nothing better than September in Carlsbadistan.

[Link: North County Times]

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