
HavaianasWhile the rest of the world gives each other woolen slippers for Christmas, Carlsbadistanians can be happy that we are able to gift the traditional Hawaiian “slippah” instead. Sure you can pick up a pair of Rainbows, Reefs, Cobain, or other flip-flops at various stores around the village, but we’re backing these Havaianas from The M Collection on State Street. They’re your basic rubber flip, but thanks to a special and highly guarded Brazillian rubber recipe these things are soft as those marshmallows you just put in your hot-cocoa. Plus, with a price that hovers around $15 dollars they’re cheap enough to stock up on.

The M Collection, 2971 State Street, (760) 720-1252.

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TrikeWe’re not big fans of training wheels on kids bikes. In fact, we think training wheels are responsible for much of what is wrong with kids today. But that is another post entirely. Let’s just say this: if a child isn’t ready for a bicycle, then keep them on their tricycle. And, if they’re going to stay on their trikes longer, we found a really cool Christmas tricycle at Ella Grace, the children’s clothing store hidden away in the catacombs of the Village Faire.

The Sky King Trike ($249.00) is made by Air Flow, Inc. of Orange, California and is a near perfect replica of the original 1936 Sky King. It is 26 inches tall, with red powder coat paint and chrome insignias, solid rubber tires, adjustable spring seat, rubber hand grips, a working light, and it is all steel. It is the perfect tricycle for boys three to six years of age. For girls, Ella Grace also has the same bike in the Pink Princess model. With a trike this cool kids may never want to step up to a bicycle, but at least they won’t be out tilting around on training wheels.

Ella Grace, 300 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite 105, 760 720-1414.

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215As much as we hate stumbling through the over-stuffed grandma clutter of Linda’s Gift, we often find ourselves forced to squeeze through the maze of knick-knacks in search of that special treat or card. So you can imagine our surprise when we nearly knocked over a whole stack of large tins from Tea Forte.

Tea Forte’s individually hand crafted silken infusers reportedly provide the world’s finest method to brew a cup of tea. “The open weave of the fabric allows the water to flow freely around the teas, allowing the tea leaves to unfurl and the flavors to mingle in the large open form of the infuser.”

Each Large Tin contains 15 of Tea Forte’s stylishly designed silken tea infusers with the choice of Classic (three infusers of each: Black Currant, Earl Grey, English Breakfast, Darjeeling, Orange Pekoe), Exotic (three infusers of each: African Solstice, Bombay Chai, Ginger, Green Tango & White Ambrosia) or Sampler (three infusers of each: Black Currant, Chamomile, Citrus Mint, Earl Grey, & Oasis).

The holidays can often get a little out-of-control hyper and there is nothing that calms things down like a hot cup of tea. That’s why Tea Forte Large Tin ($24) is one of our favorite hostess gifts.

Linda’s Gift, 300 Carlsbad Village Dr # 115 (760) 720-7525.

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For the next 12 days (December 1-12) we are presenting the Carlsbadistan 12 Days of Christmas Gift Guide. Each day we will add one new gift idea from Carlsbadistan. Welcome to day one.

Glovables-1When it comes to a Christmas wish list, most women aren’t writing down a pair of rubbergloves. But they might if they knew about these Glovables we found at the Poached Pear on State Street in the Village. The Gloveables’ signature oilcloth gauntlet adds just a touch of spice to doing the dishes (think lingerie for housework) and are perfect for those 50s housewives or rockabilly girls in your life. They retail for $15.00 and are available in an array of colors and gauntlet fabrics.

Poached Pear, 2946 State St. (760) 730-9050

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Happy Thanksgiving, Carlsbadistan!

by The Editors on November 22, 2007

Carlsbadistan Tg Copy

At this time of year we have so much to be thankful for that it would take much to long for us to list it all out. Let’s just say we’re happy we live in Carlsbadistan, and we’re honored that you have chosen to spend even a minute with us today. If there is something you’re particularly thankful for, leave a comment below so we can all share in each other’s thanks.

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So, We Were Right About the BWS. . .

by The Editors on September 23, 2007

Sadly, we didn’t take any bets when we made our predictions that there would be no “big winter storm” this weekend. Check out what the San Diego Union Tribune had to say:

The intense, winterlike storm the National Weather Service buzzed about all last week did not live up to its billing, at least not in San Diego County. . . . Most of the region got little rain Friday night and yesterday, and the extreme conditions that were forecast – thunderstorms, hail and possible mudflows – never materialized.

We did, however, see a couple water spouts like these at noon on Saturday.


[Links: San Diego Union Tribune and Carlsbadistan]

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Carlsbadistan Poll Results #3

by The Editors on September 2, 2007

Poll3The Carlsbadistan poll proves it: Carlsbad hates tourists.

In our last poll we asked you what Carlsbad could should to do to attract more visitors. A full 67 percent said that we should not nothing because “too many tourons here already.” And only 17 percent thought more brand name shopping would help.

Apparently, no one has been to South Dakota’s leading tourist attraction: Reptile Gardens. Anyone who’s paid a quarter to lose a game of tic-tac-toe to a chicken in a glass box would have voted for Carlsbad’s own version of The Gardens.

And it figures, if we hate tourists then why build them any upscale hotels on the beach. That answer tied with Reptile Gardens with only eight percent.

As for turn out at the polls, we didn’t fair so well. We tried to improve voter turn out by leaving the question up for a full month. But we still didn’t see much participation. That tells us a few things:

  1. We don’t have many readers
  2. Our questions are apparently the opposite of compelling
  3. The readers we do have aren’t interested in sharing their views
  4. We need to update the poll a lot more often. Weekly for example.

Well this week were going to change all that. There is nothing people love more than talking about themselves so we’re going to do a little market research and find out where our visitors are dialing in from. Look over in the right column under the words “What Do You Think” and let us know what you call home.

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Overheard on the Seawall. . .

by The Editors on August 18, 2007


Last night, while strolling the Carlsbad Seawall at sunset, we crossed paths with an attractive woman in her fifties, sporting jogging clothes and headphones. She was singing along in the way people do when the volume on their iPod is a little too high. As she high-stepped past us, these were the words she was singing:

. . . and I lost my libido to a hysterectomy, yeah. . .

Now that’s a country song we’ve never heard before. . . nor are we all that interested in hearing it again. But the sunset? It was beautiful.

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CarlsGOOD? Are You Sure?

by The Editors on August 14, 2007


The project application notice on the Burchfield’s Ocean Street residence has been upgraded/vandalized with an interesting stencil. It features a little butterfly in the upper right hand corner and the words: “carlsGOOD” followed by a question mark.

Obviously it’s a play on Carlsbad, but what does it mean? Is it simply someone’s tag? Or a street art project? Is it ironic commentary on a project application notice? Or is it a more general question forcing viewers to ask: “Is Carlsbad a good place to live?” Or is it simply the planning department’s new approval stamp?

We have no idea. If you know what’s going on, please leave a comment.

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Carlsbadistan Poll Results #2

by The Editors on June 25, 2007

Poll2First the good news: In our first poll only two people voted. Last week we asked readers a simple question relating to Carlsbad’s plethora of antique stores and we saw the participation rate increase by 400% to a whopping eight voters. We’re guessing that means we’re at about a 100 percent reader voting rate. Which is great. Here are the results:

38% said the antique stores are “a direct reflection of those who visit Carlsbad”
25% said the shops “add to Carlsbad’s small town flavor
25% said they are “a blight that should be eradicated
13% said the places are “junking up downtown”

In hindsight it looks like we top loaded the negative answers when we created the poll, however, the majority believes (as we do) that retail space is a direct reflection of the kind of people who are shopping in the area. In other words, the shops wouldn’t be there is no one wanted to buy junk.

Which brings us our new question: What does Carlsbad need to attract more tourists. Look over to the right hand column for the new poll. And please vote. We’d like to continue our triple digit growth.

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