Search: ponto landing

Eight Arrested At Ponto Landing

by The Editors on September 23, 2012

The almost weekly illegal immigrant drop at Ponto Landing got caught again (September 23, 2012) by the almost always vigilant Coast Guard, according to a story in the U-T San Diego.

The boat, a 25-foot Panga-style vessel, was spotted between 6:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. Authorities detained six men, one woman and one child, said Petty Officer Jarrad Pellerin. . . No one was injured. . . It’s not yet clear how many people had been on the boat when it reached land, Pellerin said.

So they’re saying some might have made it. Guess that’s why the boats keep Ponto Landing as one of their regular stops up the coast.

[Link: U-T San Diego]

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Twenty Illegals Nabbed At Ponto Landing

by The Editors on October 18, 2010

Another panga full of suspected illegal immigrants was arrested at Carlsbadistan’s Ponto Beach (a.k.a Ponto Landing) at 2:30 AM on Friday October, 16, 2010. Thanks to work from a “multiagency force” 21 people were arrested, according to a story in the North County Times.

Many of those aboard the boat ran ashore, while three others tried to escape by pushing the boat back to sea —- but they gave up that attempt when they spotted the emergency lights of an approaching boat with law enforcement officers aboard, the agency said. . . Officials arrested 20 men and one woman as suspected illegal immigrants, and seized the boat, officials said.

For a Carlsbadistan record of past Ponto arrests click here.

[Link: North County Times]

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Ponto Landing Boat Gets Away Again

by The Editors on October 27, 2009

Apparently, the schedule of those panga’s delivering Mexican nationals to the South Carlsbadistan’s Ponto Landing are running a little tighter than we expected. On Monday, October 27, 2009 at approximately 2:40 AM another 20 illegals were arrested at Ponto, according to a story in the North County Times.

About 2:40 a.m., agents spotted a small, open-topped boat landing on South Ponto Beach, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection news release. Agents arrested 16 men and four women who disembarked, all Mexicans entering the country illegally, officials said.

Not so oddly, the men driving the boat and the boat itself could not be found. Click here for the complete rundown of monthly Ponto Landing arrests.

[Link: North County Times]

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21 More Illegals Arrested At Ponto Landing

by The Editors on October 3, 2009

The weekly load of illegals appears to just keep on rolling at Ponto as US Board Patrol agents nabs 21 more illegal immigrants at about 2:30 AM Friday (October 2, 2009), according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Fifteen men, five women and a 16-year-old boy were detained after a brief search by sheriff’s deputies and Border Patrol agents. Of the 21, three were wearing life vests. All 21 were Mexican nationals.

This is the fourth boat load of people that have been arrested at Ponto since July 17, 2009. And as usual, the boat and drivers got away. Official US Boarder Patrol press release after the jump.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
[click to continue…]

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Illegal Traffic Keeps Rolling At Ponto Landing

by The Editors on September 17, 2009

Yesterday (September 16, 2009) at about 2:30 AM a boat was found abandoned near Ponto, according to a story on San Diego 6.

Authorities combing the coastline for whoever abandoned a boat in Carlsbad early Wednesday intercepted a boat offshore carrying 23 suspected illegal immigrants, according to a U.S. Coast Guard spokesman. . . The boat was spotted by a helicopter crew at around 4:00 am (1100 GMT) south of Carlsbad.

Ponto has been a hotbed for illegal immigration action all summer. On July 17, 2009 20 illegals were arrested (and the boat got away). On August 21, 2009 23 illegals were arrested (and the boat got away) This time the people got away, but they got the boat. And they caught another 23 and another boat.

Appears the authorities are getting a little better at this game. Practice makes perfect.

[Link: San Diego 6 and AFP]

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Carlsbad Police Nab Empty Panga At Ponto

by The Editors on May 4, 2011

Boat 5FhiresOn Friday morning, April 26, 2011 Carlsbad Police found an empty “abandonded panga-style boat” near Ponto Landing. You know, the almost weekly drop off point for Mexicans entering the country illegally.

Investigators say the Ensenada-based vessel which came ashore in Carlsbad was originally supposed to make landfall farther north. However, the smugglers had to abort the plan after the boat developed engine trouble.

Carlsbad officers reportedly alerted agents from the Los Angeles Border Enforcement Security Task Force (LA BEST) and U.S. Border Patrol and those agents used the information to clamp down on the illegal alien smuggling ring that has been running illegals into the country for month. In all four arrests were made. For the rest of the story, follow the jump. [click to continue…]

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Border Patrol Snags Another Ponto Panga

by The Editors on October 14, 2009

Looks like the U.S. Border Patrol is making some headway against the coyotes running illegal immigrants into Ponto Landing on what seems to be a monthly schedule, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune. They caught another panga on October 13, 2009.

U.S. Border Patrol agents patrolling the shoreline saw the panga boat about 3:30 a.m. Agents for U.S. Customs and Border Protection then intercepted the boat about eight miles west of La Jolla and found the two men aboard. . . The men, ages 29 and 49, are Mexicans who were in the country illegally, officials said. . . An investigation determined that the men had earlier dropped off six people at the Carlsbad beach. Two of the six were later apprehended.

Guess we’ll have to see if they catch the next scheduled drop the second week in November. . .

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

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More Illegal Aliens Intercepted at Ponto

by The Editors on August 21, 2009

Apparently, Carlsbadistan’s Ponto Beach is becoming a regular stop on the panga tour of Northside. On July 17, 2009, 20 “mexican nationals” were arrested after being dropped off by boat at Ponto. The boat and drivers, oddly enough, got away.

This morning, August 21, 2009, the entire scene was reenacted all over again, according to The US Customs and Border Protection website.

Early this morning, agents on patrol spotted a vessel, described as a panga boat, as it was traveling towards the shoreline of Ponto Beach in Carlsbad. The vessel dropped off 18 males and five females before fleeing the area. The subjects were quickly apprehended by Border Patrol agents with the assistance of Carlsbad police officers. The illegal aliens were taken into Border Patrol custody and sent to a Border Patrol station for processing . . . The United States Coast Guard and CBP Air and Marine units conducted a search of the area but were unable to locate the vessel.

Nice to know that pangas (and their captains) can just flow in and out of the country without ever getting caught, isn’t it? Just think if these boats arriving at Ponto Landing were filled with something more dangerous than simply men and women eager to work hard at bad jobs?

[Link: via a Carlsbadistan News Tipper]

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The Ponto Boat People’s Dawn Arrest

by The Editors on July 17, 2009

Imagine spending the night at sea in a small boat, crusing up on shore at Carlsbadistan’s Ponto beach at 4:40 AM thinking you’re in the land of opportunity, and blamo, you’re spotted by a US Customs and Border Protection agent and arrested. That’s exactly what happened to 20 “Mexican nationals” this morning.

The group included 14 men, five women and one teenage boy. They were wearing life vests and got to shore about 4:40 a.m., officials said. Among those arrested was a person whom authorities believe was a guide who was going to assist the group once they reached land.

And the guys driving the boat and running the business to Ponto Landing? Oh, they got away no problem.

[Link: San Deigo Union-Tribune]

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Weed And 3 Mexicans Seized At Tamarack

by The Editors on November 15, 2011

Panga Weed2

Carlsbadistan residents on their way to work down the coast this morning got a nice look at officials attempting to remove the drug-loaded panga that came ashore near the Tamarack Jetty just after midnight this morning (Tuesday, November 15, 2011), according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

U.S. Border Patrol agents spotted the 28-foot boat about 1:30 a.m. and watched it come ashore between Tamarack Avenue and Cannon Road, Agent Michael Jimenez said. . . Two men were on the boat, and one was sitting in an awaiting vehicle when they were taken into custody, Jimenez said.

Apparently the three Mexican nationals over shot their normal docking spot at Ponto Landing and then got stuck in the sand.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

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