January 2025

Alga Norte Pool Reopening Delayed

by The Editors on January 15, 2025

As we predicted, the planned three month renovation of Carlsbad’s Alga Norte Pool complex has been extended three more weeks to the first week of March 2025 rather than the planned second week of February, according to an update from the City of Carlsbad.

Work started in November, with crews draining the pool and removing the old plaster that lined the walls. During that process, the city identified additional pool repairs that need to be addressed to ensure the Alga Norte Aquatic Center will continue to serve the community for years to come. The city is taking the opportunity to complete that work now, and the aquatic center is scheduled to reopen the first week of March.

Will be interesting to see if they can stick to the deadline without discovering more that needs to be fixed. Can you tell we use the pool a lot? You’re right we do. One downside, as soon as Alga Norte reopens the Monroe Pool next to Carlsbad High will close for 18 months for their total remodel. Yes, that one and a half YEARS. Upgrades.

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Will Aptera Finally Deliver A Production Car?

by The Editors on January 6, 2025

Carlsbad’s struggling e-car maker Aptera has reportedly suggested that they may have a production car sometime in the future thanks to a partner ship with Pininfarina, according to a story on The Verge.

The once-dead and now-resurrected startup unveiled a new “production-intent” solar-powered electric vehicle that it made with a little help from legendary Italian automotive designers Pininfarina. And much like the last go-around, the new prototype is an ultra-efficient three-wheeled electric vehicle powered, in part, by embedded solar panels.

Always thought they looked a little too much like a lost Piper Cub, but it would be cool to see a few more on the road. And the staff can focus more on work now that Rouleur Brewing is no longer their neighbor.

[Link: The Verge]

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