TGIF 7: Western Centuries with The Bedbreakers

by The Editors on August 2, 2016

Carlsbad’s 2016 TGIF Concerts In The Parks brings together two, two, two bands for one as Western Centuries with The Bedbreakers bring their brand of country and rockin’ roots blues to Poinsettia Park. Yee haw.

Round up a country band and an early R&B group with three lead vocalists, weave in a hefty amount of vocal harmony and witty turns-of-phrase and let ‘em rock out like The Band. The sound of roots music mavericks Western Centuries sits at these crossroads. The Bedbreakers are one of San Diego’s top Roots and Blues bands.

Music begins at 6 PM if you wanted to bring some hay bales to sit on, they wouldn’t be out of place. Poinsettia Community Park is located 6600 Hidden Valley Road in Carlsbad, California. Parking shuttle service operates between 4:30 to 9 p.m. from North Coast Calvary Chapel, 1330 Poinsettia Lane.

For info on the rest of the TGIF Concert In The Park please click here.

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