No Four-Inch Lego Jackson For Now

by The Editors on July 2, 2009

Legoland-Calif-Resjpg-1Just when we thought we had a reason to finally visit Legoland the lawyers wreck everything.

Due to unresolved legal issues, LEGOLAND® California is no longer moving forward with its plan to install a model of Michael Jackson in Miniland U.S.A. as a tribute to the pop icon’s historical contribution to the history of music. . . “We were looking forward to installing a small tribute to Michael Jackson in Miniland,” said Peter Ronchetti, General Manager of LEGOLAND California Resort. “However, legal matters have come to light that prevent us from displaying the model in the Park.”

Yes, maybe it’s best to at least let MJ’s corpse cool.

Anonymous July 3, 2009 at 6:22 pm

Maybe some groms stole it for the summer to try and keep all the kooks away.

B.J. July 6, 2009 at 4:37 pm

The real question is: How do they know there’s not ALREADY an M.J. in Miniland? Kinda hard to discern the features of a four-inch LEGO person, don’t you think?

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