Fall Carlsbad Street Faire and Junk Show

by The Editors on November 4, 2007

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We rolled to the Carlsbad Street Faire this morning with the intention of getting some photos of Carlsbadistan in full effect. But after walking the jam-packed, crowded streets for about 30 minutes surrounded by a mob of strangers (where do these people come from?) we completely lost focus and found ourselves instead struggling against the flow in search of an exit.

Eventually we made it out. Now upon reflection in the peace of our own home, it seems like each year the event becomes a little less “faire” and a little more “swap meet.” Sure, there’s the Kiwanis Club’s pancake breakfast and the Scripps flu shots, but where were all the pan flautists? Then again, maybe our mood was over-influenced by the time change and the overcast skies.

Here’s what the San Diego Union Tribune and North County Times had to say about the 33rd Annual Faire. What did you think? Let us know in the comments.

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Jon B. November 4, 2007 at 6:21 pm

This blog could have been written 25 years ago, it has always been a swap meet. Harbor Days in Oceanside has a way better atmosphere, always has, at least that festival has a theme.

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