by The Editors on May 13, 2009

In the Battle of Aviara press release war over The Four Seasons Aviara, the Four Seasons management group has now upped the ante with the longest press release so far which is loaded with shots across the bow of BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant, LLC like this one:
As illogical as it may sound, the Owners have threatened to stop funding operations, including salary payments to employees, yet expect to continue to collect and hold revenues from ongoing operations. Under the management agreement, the Owners are obligated to fund all required working capital, including debt service payments. . . the Owners re-financed the asset in 2006, significantly increasing the debt service significantly and making it impossible for the Resort to service its debt level in the current economic downturn.
That seems to make sense. Follow the jump for the entire release.
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by The Editors on May 12, 2009
As much as we would like to do actual reportage on the Battle of Aviara, just posting the press releases from the two sides is becoming quite fun in and of itself.
Here’s a taste of what you can read from Aviara ownership group BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant, LLC in full after the jump:
“Our client, the owners of the resort, have terminated Four Seasons — and believe that Four Seasons is occupying the resort without authority to do so,” says William A. Brewer III, partner at Bickel & Brewer and lead counsel for the owners. “Upon being notified by Four Seasons that it would physically oppose owners’ efforts to install a new management company, our clients chose not to risk a confrontation.”
Apparently, the Four Seasons has turned back to owners for the time being. Stay tuned.
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by The Editors on May 12, 2009
On Saturday when the Four Seasons said it had “no intention to voluntarily relinquish its role as manager” of the Four Season Aviara they weren’t kidding.
The company that manages the hotel has reportedly erected barricades to keep the resort owners’ new management team off the property, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
William Brewer, an attorney for Broadreach, yesterday said the company was forced to delay its move to install a new management firm, New Jersey-based Dolce Hotels and Resorts, because Four Seasons erected barricades and checkpoints at the entrances to the 329-room resort to thwart the move. . . . Both sides were in federal court yesterday. Four Seasons was seeking an order to require Broadreach to continue its employment until issues are resolved in arbitration. Broadreach was seeking an order to allow it to take possession of the resort. . . Oral arguments on the motions are scheduled May 27.
Vacations in the danger zone.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on May 11, 2009
This afternoon we got an email from Tony Pistillo, the director of public relations at the Four Season’s. It contained a statement that was released on May 9, 2009 regarding the battle for Avaria. Here it is:
Four Seasons announced today that it has no intention to voluntarily relinquish its role as manager of Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad CA. Four Seasons has managed the Resort since 1997.
Very recently, a dispute arose with regard to the 2009 operating budget for the Resort and the Owner’s obligation to provide working capital necessary to fund debt service. That dispute is currently the subject of an arbitration proceeding, which Four Seasons fully respects and will abide by. Four Seasons has fulfilled all of its obligations under the relevant management agreements. Four Seasons intends to vigorously defend its rights in the arbitration process currently underway.
Four Seasons will also seek substantial damages from the Owner (which is beneficially owned Broadreach Capital Partners and asset-managed by Maritz, Wolff & Co.) and its counsel for their conduct in damaging the operation and reputation of the Resort and of Four Seasons.
Without knowing any of the back story we’ll just say it looks like this might get a little more involved before everything is settled.
by The Editors on May 11, 2009
A “showdown” was scheduled for today at 1 PM in a dispute between BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant LLC, the owner of the Four Seasons Resort Aviara and Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, the Toronto-based company that manages The Four Seasons Aviara, according to a story in the North County Times.
The struggle dates to Friday, March 27, when the hotel’s owner attempted to extricate itself from a contract with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, a Toronto-based company that manages Aviara and dozens of other luxury resorts around the world. . . But instead of waiting for an arbitration panel’s directions, representatives of BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant LLC, the Delaware company that owns the resort, entered the hotel around 1 a.m. the following Sunday, picked the locks in a manager’s office and posted private security guards outside, according to legal documents that Four Seasons filed in San Diego federal court Monday morning.
Last week BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant reportedly named the New Jersey company Dolce Hotels and Resorts as the new managers of the resort property. Wonder how long it will take them to get all the signs, letterhead, menus, plastic cups, and keys swapped out with the new name? Whatever that will be.
[Link: North County Times and San Diego Union Tribune]
by The Editors on September 15, 2008

Today, the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort & Spa is celebrating Global Out-of-Office Day to promote their new Link@Sheraton experienced with Microsoft. Eight Carlsbad businesses will reportedly spend the day “working” out on the Palm Court Lawn outside the hotel and overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Our guess at the businesses involved? Real Estate. . . since sitting out on the lawn is about all they can do these days.
Designed as a social destination, the Link@Sheraton invites guests to interact with each other while they check their email, research local attractions and even print boarding passes using free Wi-Fi and Internet-enabled computer stations.
We’re guessing this is just a new Sheraton business center, but the thought of business people working “out on the lawn” has peaked our interest. We think we’ll roll over later and see how many “executives” have survived.
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by The Editors on June 6, 2008
It sounds like someone’s romantic candle-lit evening at the Extended Stay Hotel got so heated last night that their mattress caught on fire.
When Carlsbad and Oceanside firefighters arrived at the Extended Stay Hotel at 1050 Grand Ave. at 11:10 p.m., they found smoke filling the third floor hallway, Battalion Chief Mike Kennedy said. About 70 hotel guests were evacuated.
While there were 70 guests in the hotel at the time, it appears that no one was injured.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on June 6, 2008
On March 20, 2008 we reported on a proposed new hotel on Ocean St. at the offshore parking lot that would feature a “roof-top restaurant.” Now, the Lumiére Carslbad Village Hotel has been approved by the City’s design review board, according to a story in the North County Times.
Assistant city planner Austin Silva said commissioners and city staff liked the architectural drawings for the proposed hotel. “They liked the design of it because it’s not a typical stucco with a red-tile roof,” he said. “(The architect) gave it a beach cottage theme.”
Now it’s just up to the City Council and the California Coastal Commission to decide whether work on the project can begin.
[Link: North County Times]
by The Editors on March 20, 2008

We’ve caught the Parthenon’s glow during a roof-top dinner at The Fresh Hotel, cringed as Hollywood stars hit on Canadians from a waterbed on the roof of The Standard Hotel, and waved from the deck of Mr. A’s as jet airliners flapped past. We’ve even shared a pitcher on the roof of the old Margarita Rocks in Oceanside, but we’ve never, ever watched the sun set from a roof-top restaurant in Carlsbadistan. That may change when the new Lumiére Carlsbad Village Hotel goes in on Ocean St. at Offshore.
lumière hotel group is currently entitling a proposed four story, fifty-five key ocean front hotel in Carlsbad, California featuring an opulent rooftop restaurant, lounge, and pool with unforgettable views of the Pacific Ocean. We will be offering a small number of oceanfront residences for purchase.
According to the project description filed with The City, the hotel will feature 39 hotel rooms, 10 condominiums, and two affordable apartments (you know, for the help). We haven’t seen the plans yet, so we really have no idea what the hotel will look like, but either way, it will be cool to look out over the Paciic from a rooftop restaurant in Carlsbad.
[Link: Lumiére Hotels]
by The Editors on March 14, 2008
In his March 14, 2008 Los Angeles Times column Joel Stein, like all of us lately, is trying to figure out what would motivate New York Governor Elliot Spitzer to spend up to $80,000 on high-end adult entertainment, and more importantly, what did he get for his money. Stein brought Carlsbad into the mix by titling it: “Maybe Spitzer just needed time at La Costa.”
In fact, I’m not sure why going to a brothel is illegal but visiting a spa is considered classy. Because, really, a spa is just all the parts of sex that women like: candles, soft music, scented oils, questions about how you feel. How can it be psychologically healthy in a marriage for either partner paying to be touched in pleasurable ways? As a husband, I know I can’t compete with a $100-an-hour shiatsu guy with an iPod full of flute music.
Not sure we’re really following your logic there, Joel. But thanks for mentioning our favorite spa. There’s nothing Carlsbad needs more than shady politicians visiting The La Costa Resort and Spa.
[Link: The Los Angeles Times]