The Battle of The Four Seasons Aviara

by The Editors on May 11, 2009

Four SeasonsA “showdown” was scheduled for today at 1 PM in a dispute between BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant LLC, the owner of the Four Seasons Resort Aviara and Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, the Toronto-based company that manages The Four Seasons Aviara, according to a story in the North County Times.

The struggle dates to Friday, March 27, when the hotel’s owner attempted to extricate itself from a contract with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, a Toronto-based company that manages Aviara and dozens of other luxury resorts around the world. . . But instead of waiting for an arbitration panel’s directions, representatives of BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant LLC, the Delaware company that owns the resort, entered the hotel around 1 a.m. the following Sunday, picked the locks in a manager’s office and posted private security guards outside, according to legal documents that Four Seasons filed in San Diego federal court Monday morning.

Last week BRCP HEF Hotel Tenant reportedly named the New Jersey company Dolce Hotels and Resorts as the new managers of the resort property. Wonder how long it will take them to get all the signs, letterhead, menus, plastic cups, and keys swapped out with the new name? Whatever that will be.

[Link: North County Times and San Diego Union Tribune]

bob May 11, 2009 at 4:26 pm

Ouch, and another one bites the dust.

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