
Support Witt’s With Carlsbad Pipelines Vans

by The Editors on April 23, 2020

As part of Vans global COVID-19 plans that have partnered with local shops around the world to build custom, limited edition Vans shoes with net proceeds going to the local shop.

Isn’t it our luck that Witt of Carlsbad Pipelines, Tony Hawk, and Grant Brittain have been friends for years and have created an amazing Carlsbad shoe for those luckily enough to get a pair. To buy a pair directly from Vans (and money going to Witt’s Carlsbad Pipeline, please click the link.

[Link: Vans/Carlsbad Pipelines]

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Senior Grubby’s Keeps Carlsbad Fed

by The Editors on March 24, 2020

Checking in with Senior Grubby’s Justin Juchura (maker of our favorite Carlsbad Fish Tacos) to see what they’re doing to keep people fed, while the quarantine continues. If you need to pick up food (and drinks), here’s one of the places in the Village where you can.

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What Are People Searching Now?

by The Editors on February 11, 2020

Important information for people who really what to know what is going on online. Here are the 100 most searched terms on the Internet. Oddly, it quickly becomes rather obvious that these are not actually searches, but people using Google as an address bar because they are too lazy to type the URL directly. Follow the jump to enjoy the list.

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The Land & Water Co. Shuts Off

by The Editors on October 17, 2019

Chef Rob Ruiz shut down his The Land & Water Co. restaurant in the old Twin Inn building of the Village Faire shopping center in Carlsbad on October 12, 2019 with little notice to customers, according to a story on Pacific San Diego.

The closure of Land & Water came as a surprise to diners, who learned via Instagram and Facebook on Saturday morning that Oct. 12 would be its last day of business. He was gratified by the large turnout of customers who showed up in the final days to see the restaurant off.

The story makes no mention of why the restaurant closed on such short notice, or what will move into the space now that Ruiz is gone. We have friends who loved Ruiz’s culinary exploits, however, we never made it in to try it ourselves. Guess now we never will. But don’t worry  The Charles Kenneth speakeasy is still rolling along downstairs. For more on Ruiz and what else he has planned in San Diego, please click the link.

[Link: Pacific San Diego]

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Steady State Delivers via Amazon

by The Editors on September 25, 2018

While we’d much rather roll down to our favorite Carlsbad coffee roasters in person (Steady State, 2562 State Street Suite G in Carlsbad), it’s nice to know that Amazon will now deliver some of their amazingly tasty Space Traveler beans directly to our door any time we like. If you’d like to order some up, click the link.

[Link: Steady State on Amazon]

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Legoland New York Unveils Park Model

by The Editors on August 28, 2018

Legoland has reportedly unveiled a 10-foot LEGO model of their newest, biggest, brightest, bestest theme park set to to open in Goshen, New York in 2020, according to a story on

The model is made of more than 135,000 LEGO bricks and took 20 Master Model Builders more than 1,300 hours to design and build. . . “LEGOLAND New York is coming and it’s time to get excited,” said LEGOLAND New York’s Public Relations Manager Matt Besterman. “This will be the ultimate must-see destination for families in the Northeast.”

You know, so they won’t have to travel to Carlsbad or Florida to get their Legoland fix. Not only that, but this new park (sorry Carlsbad) will be parent company Merlin Entertainments’ “largest investment in a single park to date.” Ouch. For the rest of the story, please click the link.

[Link: In Park Magazine]

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Legoland California Opens Second Hotel

by The Editors on April 24, 2018

This week Legoland, California is hosting media receptions for the opening of the newest addition to the park — the Castle Hotel at Legoland. The official opening will be on Friday, April 27, 2018, but Merlin Entertainment’s isn’t wasting any time introducing Legoland’s latest attempt at keeping visitors on-property for the duration of their stays (so Merlin doesn’t lose any vacation dollars to locally owned Carlsbad businesses).

The new hotel doubles Legoland’s onsite lodging bringing the park’s room total to 500. Just think, back in 2009 Legoland had to convince the Carlsbad City Council to “change a planning document” to get their first hotel approved. Guess, those changes are working out pretty well now.

The three-story, 250-room hotel immerses guests into a creative LEGO® world and every room is fully themed to create a castle fantasy.  Guests can choose from three different room themes: Royal Princess, Knights and Dragons and Magic Wizard. Upon entering the LEGOLAND Castle Hotel, guests will first step into a Grand Hall where they are met by a LEGO wizard before taking a magical levitating lift (elevator) that will take them to one of three different floors to continue their adventure. 

With a place like this to stay, and eat, and sleep, and shop, why would anyone want to leave? Exactly.

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Carlsbad’s Grocery Bag Couple

by The Editors on November 29, 2017

Carlsbad’s Farzan and Jen Dehmoubed have an idea they think will revolutionize the grocery bag world. They’re called Lotus Trolley Bags and the Orange County Register has the whole story.

The Lotus Trolley Bags are a riff on a popular shopping cart system used in Europe. Rolled up, the bundle is compact and hangs from the grocery cart while you shop. Unspooled, four bags hang from rods inside the cart, open and ready to receive milk, produce, dry goods and more as the cashier rings you up. . . “There are other bags on the market with similar functions but quality and customization to U.S. carts were big factors for us,” they said. “We wanted something that could last hundreds of times and had all the features we were looking for.”

The bag debuted in May and since then the Dehmoubed’s have reportedly sold over 10,000 of them. Not bad at all. Plus, anything is better than plastic, even if it’s costs $30 for four.

[Link: OC Register]

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#GivingTuesday To New Village Arts

by The Editors on November 28, 2017

Giving Tuesday is your chance to support nonprofit organizations during the holiday shopping season. As you consider your holiday giving, we at New Village Arts hope that you will help our garden grow by donating any amount you are able.

As an added thank you, if you donate at least $20 before December 25, you will be entered into a raffle to win a private concert with Paul Eddy, who played Buddy Holly in BUDDY – THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY.

Your donations will go to support our Education & Outreach Programming (including Mindful Theatre, a new improvisation-based program for individuals living with Alzheimer’s and dementia), our bilingual outreach program Teatro Pueblo Nuevo, and to support the remainder of Season Seventeen’s productions. For more details, please click the link.

[Link: New Village Arts Theatre]

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Hillary Duff Lights Up Legoland

by The Editors on November 28, 2017

Award-winning actress and singer Hilary Duff helped Santa pull the switch to light the world’s largest LEGO® Christmas tree at Legoland California Resort during the 15th annual tree lighting ceremony in Carlsbad, California last night (Monday, November 27, 2017).

“We feel so fortunate to be at LEGOLAND California Resort, “ said Duff. “We spent the whole day with family and close friends and this is definitely one of our favorite places. We had the best stay at Legoland Hotel and now Luca wants to know why his room at home can’t look like the pirate bunk bed room at the hotel!”

At the ceremony, Legoland California Resort donated $10,000 on Duff’s behalf to Baby2Baby, which provides low-income children ages 0-12 years with diapers, clothing and other basic necessities. By distributing to non-profit partner organizations including homeless and domestic violence shelters, Head Start programs, foster care programs and children’s hospitals, Baby2Baby will serve more than 150,000 children in Los Angeles this year and tens of thousands more across the country through the Baby2Baby National Network.

For the official word from Legoland, please follow the jump.

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