by The Editors on August 30, 2008
A woman who was walking from the Ocean House bar to The Surf Motel early this morning “suffered cuts on her arms and hands when she was attacked by a man” in front of the motel on Carlsbad Boulevard, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
They were walking back to their hotel on Carlsbad Boulevard when a man, who had also been drinking at the bar, began acting bizarrely and argued with them, Carlsbad police said. . . . The man then pulled out a pocket-sized knife and started slashing one of the women. A man who intervened suffered minor cuts.
Police described the man as “white, in his 20s, 5 feet 9 to 11 inches tall, very thin, clean shaven, with a buzz cut. He was wearing jeans and a green hoodie. The Sheriff’s helicopter circled the Village for quite a while, but did not find the suspect.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune and The North County Times]
by Richard J. Riehl on August 29, 2008
Have you noticed every other year at this time your local member of Congress takes a keen interest in your opinions while listing the wonderful things they’re doing for you in our nation’s capital? It comes in the form of a glossy mailing, made possible by your taxpaying generosity. Since public funds can’t be used for campaign purposes, you’re expected to believe the arrival of these mailings shortly before the next election is purely coincidental.
The mailers all seem to carry the same message, showing how the incumbent’s priorities perfectly capture the prevailing political winds. After recounting the many ways they’re looking out for you, the officeholders ask for your feedback in a brief opinion survey.
The questions are cleverly designed to confirm the politician’s own position or to persuade you to agree with positions they’ve already taken. A loaded question like, “Do you believe Congress should grant amnesty as a pathway to citizenship to the 12-20 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States?” leaves little doubt about your expected response when you’re confined to a yes or no answer.
[click to continue…]
by The Editors on August 29, 2008
On Sunday, August 31 at 3 PM sharp Carlsbadistan’s own Joanie Mendenhall will be playing a free all ages live show and playing with The Exfriends in the parking lot at Lou’s Records in Encinitas.
That’s right, two shows in one. If you haven’t heard Joanie and/or the Exfriends this is a great chance to see two of San Diego’s best musical acts for free (with your kids). And, as Joanie pointed out in her email: it’s also dollar day at Lou’s.
[Link: Lou’s Records]
by The Editors on August 29, 2008
Carlsbadistan’s Keith Elwin, 37, is somewhat of a pinball wizard. How else could he explain to World Championship titles. According to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune, Elwin just took first place at the Professional and Amateur Pinball Association in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The tournament, which draws about 500 players and spectators, is considered the Holy Grail of pinball competition. . . . “Sometimes I do get nervous and don’t know why,” Elwin said of competing. “I’ll kind of stay away from the tournament area, watch the other end of the building or go outside for a quick run. . . . “At this tournament, I wasn’t nervous.”
It might help that Elwin’s day job is that of a pinball machine repairman at Area Amusements in San Marcos. Looks like mixing business and pleasure is working for the new World Champ. Congrats.
[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]
by The Editors on August 29, 2008

We’re not the biggest fans of the yellow City of Carlsbad “Notice of Project Application” signs. We don’t hate them as much as the carlsGOOD? artists, but let’s just say we often like things left they way they are. That’s why we were a little bummed to see a new sign up on the east side of Garfield St. just north of Juniper Ave.
The proposed SDP/CD” is for “the demolition of a single-family residence and to develop the site with 3 apartment units with underground garage and associated landscaping. Project Applicant: Blue Motif Architecture.
It wasn’t until we checked out Blue Motif Architecture that we began to breathe a little easier. The company has designed and developed some quality, modern, ecologically sensitive, and architecturally significant buildings in San Diego recently. The Sombrilla Condominiums in Oceanside (if only they were in a better neighborhood) and several San Diego Organic To Go locations are just a few of them. The 3-unit condo complex shown above is slated for future construction in Oceanside, but it shows the kind of buildings they specialize in.
Blue Motif’s motto is: “We believe that every project presents a new opportunity to create space to be remembered.” And that makes us feel much better about what they’re planning to build in Carlsbadistan. We just hope they’re not dissuaded by all the modern beach projects that sit unsold and empty.
by The Editors on August 28, 2008
After nearly 20 years in a “temporary” double-wide firestation the Carlsbad Fire Department has finally moved into their new 6,200-square-foot facility on Rancho Santa Fe Road. And the coolest part: this station has a fire pole, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.
“Most Southern California stations are one story,” so they don’t need fire poles, said Carlsbad Battalion Chief Jim Torretto, who oversees facilities for the city Fire Department. . . . He said that despite the pole, there won’t be any scenes of firefighters jumping out of bed at the sound of an alarm, diving into turnout gear and sliding down the pole.
We’re glad they have the station they need, and we’re pretty sure those clever firemen will find at least one good use for that fire pole. . .
[Link: San Diego Union Tribune]
by The Editors on August 26, 2008
We’re marking our calendar. On October 16, 2008 Invitrogen (our favorite Carlsbad-based life sciences company) is holding a special meeting of its shareholders to vote on the company’s proposed acquisition of Applied Biosystems Inc.
The special meeting of shareholders will be held on October 16, 2008, at 9 a.m., PT at Invitrogen’s headquarters, 5781 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, Calif. 92008. Invitrogen shareholders of record as of the close of business on September 5, 2008 will be entitled to vote at the special meeting.
We’re thinking me might go, just for fun. How many times have you voted on a $6.4 billion deal?
[Link: BusinessWire]
by The Editors on August 26, 2008

We’ve begun to notice new public art showing up around town as part of The Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce’s project Art In The Heart of the Village, but we’ve never seen it in progress. That’s why it was good to see artist Marla Epstein out on the sidewalk today brush in hand surrounded by her paints.
Epstein has been commissioned to paint a portrait of little Dulce on the hydrant directly in front of the Overseas Chinese Restaurant at 2820 Roosevelt St, next to the Post Office. “Dulce with a u. It means sweet,” she said. “So that’s why there are going to be a bunch of candy canes on this one.”
Whether because of her work, or her friendly smile Marla was stopping traffic. We asked how she was going to finish with all the people stopping by to talk to her about what she was doing and she laughed and said, “Oh, I’ll get it done.”
by The Editors on August 25, 2008
Carla Mays is representing the 50th Congressional District at the Democratic National Convention. And she is from Carlsbadistan. She is also blogging the convention for the San Diego Union-Tribune. Here is a small piece of her first report:
. . . As a Carlsbad resident, and young black professional woman, folks always try to link me with liberal Democratic politics. I like Barack as a progressive centrist, who believes in socially responsible business development, economic and community development that protects and stimulates small business and entrepreneurship (the real engine of our economy), affordable and quality health care and housing , and to protect social security and retirement investments. . . . Those of us in Generations X and Y are too often thought of as slackers and know-it-alls, but that could not be further from the truth. We are the most educated unemployed and/or underemployed generation.
Follow the link for the rest as well as ongoing coverage from Carla as the convention rolls on.
by The Editors on August 25, 2008

If you haven’t seen it already, you have only five more chances to check out the New Village Arts Theatre’s hilarious production of The Compete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) featuring the world’s fastest performance of Hamlet on record, “clocking in at 43 seconds. We’re thinking we can beat the record,” they say.
The Complete Works of Wllm Shkspr (Abridged) was written by the Reduced Shakespeare Company, and first performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 1987. Within the span of the evening every single Shakespeare play is covered as well as a nod given to the sonnets.
Shows are free to subscribers and “pay-what-you-can” for everyone else. The show closes on Aug. 21, however, there are still show this Thursday through Saturday night at 8 PM with a matinee on Saturday at 3 PM and Sunday at 2 PM.
[Link: New Village Arts Theatre]