We watched most of the meeting. Keith Blackburn and Mayor Matt Hall are ready to open, while Cori Schumacher and Priya Bhat-Patel pressed for more analysis and maybe a bit more of a plan, since this really is a life or death situation.
Here’s what the city sent out following the meeting:
The Carlsbad City Council voted Saturday to keep its beach, parks and trails closed for now and hold a special City Council meeting May 1 to review plans for a phased reopening. The County of San Diego’s public health order is in effect until May 1.
The specific topics of the May 1 meeting will include city parks and trails as well as the city-owned golf course and the three-quarter of a mile stretch of beach north of Oak Avenue.
The six miles of Carlsbad’s coastline controlled by California State Parks also remain closed, and city officials said they would like to coordinate the opening of all beaches in Carlsbad at the same time.
On Friday, April 24, the County of San Diego announced it would lift the restrictions on going into the ocean starting Monday, but left it up to the cities and State Parks to decide whether to open the beaches.
County requirements
County public officials have said they will consider allowing parks to reopen for passive activities such as walking, jogging and bicycling once cities complete and submit to the county a protocol template for each park as to how public health protections will be addressed. The same template applies to beaches. Requirements include:
Post signs about maintaining a 6 foot distance from those not in the same household and not entering the park if you have a fever or cough.
Wear face coverings if you are within 6-feet of someone not in your household.
No gathering except for people from the same household.
“Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocol” to be posted at each entry to the park.
Minimum of one employee must be present at each park to monitor compliance.
All employees shall receive temperature screening prior to each shift and shall not be allowed to work if employee’s temperature is 100 degrees or higher.
Break rooms, bathrooms and other common areas shall be disinfected at least every two hours.
At a minimum, close off every other parking space.
Keep playgrounds, community centers and gyms closed.
At a minimum, limit use of courts and fields to members of the same household.
Golf courses and trails
The county also has provided templates for trails and golf courses.
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