ISIS Pharmaceuticals New Drug May Work

by The Editors on October 4, 2007

Our favorite Carlsbad-based “biopharmaceutical company” ISIS announced today that the test results from their new ISIS 301012, a drug designed to lower bad cholesterol in patients who suffer from “hypercholesterolemia or HeFH,” suggest that it provided “meaningful reductions in Lp(a).” And apparently, this is a good thing

According to Evan Stein, a principal investigator for the studies, the performance of ISIS 301012 continues to be extremely encouraging . . . ISIS 301012 reduces the production of apoB-100, a protein critical to the synthesis and transport of “bad” cholesterol and a target that has proved to be undruggable using traditional, small-molecule approaches.

The stock today, however, was trading down.

[Link: ISIS Pharm via RTTnews]

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