Power Plant Hearing Draws A Crowd

by The Editors on December 18, 2007

According to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune the hearing and site tour that we mentioned on Sunday was a hit with Carlsbadistan residents.

A standing-room only crowd of more than 200 people turned out at a public hearing Monday night to comment on a proposal to replace the 53-year-old Encina Power Station with a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly electricity-generating plant. . . . Carlsbad resident Ted Viola referred to the 95-acre site owned by NRG Energy as “a profit center” and said he was concerned there is no absolute requirement for the company to retire and dismantle the Encina Power Station and its towering 400-foot smokestack.

While we think the smoke stack is the icon of Carlsbadistan, it’s obvious that NRG should be restricted in how many power plants it builds and be held to a plan regarding the old plant if they are allowed to build a new one.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

no name January 31, 2009 at 12:35 am

If the Carlsbad power plant is closed down could you not convert it to a desalinization plant instead. Power plants should be built out in the middle of the ocean as far as i am concerned. I think collected data should be over looked before like cancer files for this area and wildlife deaths before any consideration for more plants. How about alternative energy plans be enforced for all homes to have Solar Power Engery we only got almost 365 days a year of liquid sunshine. We don’t take atvantage of the resources that we do have in this sunny West Coast and we tend to be slow and behind the times to experiment on alternate power sources on the broad spectrum. I don’t believe the Plant should be just shut down or knocked down i think it needs to be resourceful and generate some kind of a purpose to society. Its not quite the Eiffel Tower but an Aquarim would be darn cool to bring to Carlsbad. Well, in the efforts of our lifetime to do better for the next generation is my utmost duty and concern and i believe the people of Carlsbad are the best people to ask and i trust in the City of Carlsbad to do right by all mankind and protecting the wildlife we love.

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