Union-Tribune Jumps On Tamarack Parking

by The Editors on April 3, 2008

080403Powerstation280-1-1San Diego Union-Tribune writer Michael Burge gets on the Tamarack Surf Beach parking fee story that we wrote about yesterday with a few additional details.

Technically, a parking fee isn’t new at Tamarack. From 1994 to 2000, the state had permits to charge users, but drivers didn’t know it. The city paid the state about $36,000 a year to cover the fees and maintain the free parking, Jantz said. . . . The City Council hasn’t yet taken up the proposed parking issue, but the delay will give it time to address it, he said. . . . Ketterer said the Tamarack lot can generate $200,000 annually in fees. Part of that revenue will go the state’s general fund, and part to the parks upkeep budget.

The California Coastal Commission’s hearing on the fee request has been tentatively postponed until May 7-9, 2008 when the group will meet in Marina del Rey at the Marina del Rey Hotel. “The State Parks and the City of Carlsbad have requested a postponement on the issue so when it’s really up to them to decide when it gets presented to the Coastal Commission,” said Toni Ross, a coastal planner with the San Diego office of the California Coastal Commission.

When we spoke to Rob Houston with the Carlsbad City Manager’s office he implied that people from the City of Carlsbad are planning attend the hearing and speak out against the proposed parking fees. “We’re checking from the City side,” he said. “But citizens should be heard as well.”

As the Commission members prefer to get comments via the US Postal Service, click here for their addresses and be heard.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

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