We Shall Overpass

by The Editors on April 16, 2008

Elisa Williamson, the President of the Board of Trustees of the Carlsbad Unified School district is encouraging and inviting everyone who supports Carlsbad public education to get out Friday, April 18, 2008 at 4:45 PM to send the message “Enough is Enough…No Cuts to Education!”

The idea is to have people with signs and placards (with slogans like “No Cuts to Education” and “Education Cuts Don’t Heal.”) on main freeway and highway overpasses in Carlsbadistan. Hopefully, this won’t lead to any accidents on the freeways. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

For all the details, follow the jump.

We need your help to spread the word. If each PTA/PTO/Parent Association will send at least 20 people to the site shown below, the impact will be felt all the way to Sacramento!! It will just take one hour!!! Here are the details:

Meet at 4:45 p.m. on Friday, April 18, at the location shown below and then walk to the destination, carrying your sign. (Make a sign, such as “Enough is Enough” or “No Cuts to Education” or “Education Cuts Don’t Heal.” Come even if you haven’t had time to make a sign…there will be some provided. Or get together with friends to make signs. If possible, make a few extras and bring them to share!)

School Affiliation: Kelly, Valley
Parking: mall at Marron and 78 (close to Tuesday Morning)
Destination: Highway 78 & Jefferson overpass

School Affiliation: Magnolia, Buena Vista, Jefferson
Parking: Pio Pico by Buena Vista Elementary
Destination: I-5 & Las Floras overpass

School Affiliation: Calavera and Hope (teachers are also at this site)
Parking: NE corner of Westfield Plaza Camino Real Mall (where Robinsons-May used to be)
Destination: Highway 78 & El Camino Real overpass

School Affiliation: Poinsettia, Aviara Oaks, Pac Rim, Carlsbad High School
Parking: Ralph’s shopping center or street parking near Poinsettia/Paseo del Norte
Destination: I-5 & Poinsettia overpass


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