Carlsbad High School Wins Rider’s Cup

by The Editors on June 16, 2008


Carlsbad High surfer Gabe Garcia lead his team to a victory at San Onofre over San Clemente to win the Red Bull Riders Cup National Championship on Sunday, according to a story in the Orange County Register. He also grabbed the title of MVP for the high school surfing event.

But Carlsbad’s Gabe Garcia came through with key rides in the first and second periods and a critical 7.5 in the third on a clean solid right-hander to lift his team to victory. “We put everything we had into it,” Garcia said. “It was a hard game. It was close. And that’s what made it interesting.”

Congrats Gabe, and the rest of the Carlsbad High School surf team for showing the OC what’s up.

[Link: OC Register]

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