Ann Kulchin Just Keeps On Running

by The Editors on July 18, 2008

She’s been on the Carlsbad City Council since 1980, almost long enough to remember Mayor Bud Lewis as an elderly man, but Ann Kulchin is running again, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

But she’s not running alone. Four other people have filed the paperwork to appear on the November 4, 2008 ballot. They include:

  • Glenn Bernard, a real estate sales agent and businessman.
  • Keith Blackburn, a Carlsbad police sergeant.
  • Farrah Douglas, owner of a printing company who is a planning commissioner.
  • William Jubb, a banker.

Seems like it might be a good idea to change things up on the council doesn’t it? Especially when Ms. Kulchin is so anti-skateboarding.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

Bonnie July 18, 2008 at 3:15 pm

Hey, she’s pro-pool, and that’s good!

Kathy October 16, 2008 at 10:25 am

She is pro-park…the park (Alga Norte) that will have the skate park…she was the only council member who still wanted to move forward with plans…while others voted to put them on hold.

Carlsbadoin October 16, 2008 at 1:12 pm

Douglas says build the park in phases but build the most expensive phases last. Any guesses what those would be? I think this was Mayor Bud’s position at one point.

Scott October 22, 2008 at 6:16 pm

You’re right Carlsbadoin. Douglas is the Mayor’s and Hall’s protege. The Mayor appointed Douglas to the planning Commision after she helped him in the 06′ Election. No parks, pools, or anything anytime soon with them on the council. Kulchin supports the parks and pools to move fully forward.

worried October 24, 2008 at 1:41 pm

Last night at the “debate” and factoring in what they’ve said during the campaign, it seems to me that the candidates’ support for the park and pool would be ranked:
Evan “build it or die” Rodgers
Ann “always voted for it” Kulchin
Thomas “used to be against it but now for it” Arnold
Keith “it’s a goal but no details” Blackburn
Farrah “build park in phases, pool last” Douglas
Glen “build it with private money” Bernard

Scott October 24, 2008 at 10:25 pm

I missed last nights debate but I heard Blacburn say at another forum that he was in full support of the pool. I will check and make sure before I vote because I believe it is an important issue.

Thomas K. Arnold October 24, 2008 at 11:11 pm

I have always been for building the pool, which the city has been promising residents it would build for nearly 20 years. The issue on which I changed my mind was Palomar Airport. Initially I said I could support runway extension if resident noise and safety concerns were met; after further research and the discovery that the “quiet hours” are voluntary and only apply to jets, and that air traffic controllers are not always on duty, I have changed my mind and am now 100% opposed to any Palomar Airport expansion. The people have to come first!

Carlsbadoin October 25, 2008 at 11:24 am

I’m glad Arnold changed his mind about the airport. However from their answers on the Chamber of Commerce website, I think Rodgers is the only one who groks the real issue with the airport: so many pilots learn to fly there. Extending or heaven forbid adding a runway would be like putting a high school across the street from an elementary school and thinking there would be no impact because they’re both schools. (The citizens-against-noise movement information that circulated is realtor-led, making me instantly skeptical.)

Green October 25, 2008 at 5:10 pm

We do have to support you, Worried, about the pool. When we read the good news here this summer that Ms. Rodgers had entered the race, we immediately checked the websites of all the candidates. Mrs. Kulchin has voted for Alga Norte but had nothing on her website about it. Ms. Rodgers is rabidly devoted to it. The only other other candidate who mentioned it at that time was Mr. Arnold….who likened it to the golf course boondoggle. He went on to ask why it hadn’t been marketed regionally. Nothing at that point about Alga Norte on Mr. Blackburn’s, Mrs. Douglas’, or Mr. Bernard’s. Oh, happy day, everyone is for it now but it has not always been a high priority for everyone. When push comes to shove with Mayor Lewis, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Packard, that will matter.

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