Carlsbad iPhone Countdown: T – Five Days

by The Editors on June 25, 2007

Iphone Beck-1

We apologize in advance for caring entirely too much about this block of electronica. We are pathetic in every way. That said, we are now five days away from the Apple iPhone’s arrival in Carlsbad. And if our math is correct there will only be 100 iPhones in all of North County (including Escondido), so factor that in on your Friday June 29th plans.

Here is the latest AT&T info from The Apple Phone Show blog:

We’ve been able to confirm (by at least two reliable sources inside AT&T and elsewhere) the following details…

1) AT&T stores will close at 4:30 pm Friday and re-open at 6:00 pm to start selling the phone.

2) AT&T employees have received special training on the iPhone averaging six hours per employee.

There are three more bullet points, however, you’ll have to click the link to get it all. And again, we’re very sorry to keep bothering you with fan-boy hype. We just can’t help ourselves.

[Link: Apple Phone Show]

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