Invitrogen Gets Former US Airways CIO

by The Editors on September 3, 2008

Joe Berry, the chief information officer of US Airways is leaving the company this month to become the senior vice president and chief information officer at Applied Biomedical/Invitrogen according to a story in USA Today.

Beery is just one of three “longtime executives” who are leaving the Tempe-based airline. It’s probably not a bad time to get out of the airline industry and move to Carlsbad, actually. Welcome, Mr. Berry. We hope you’ll leave the US Air stock mojo back with the old company.

[Link: USA Today]

Brendan September 4, 2008 at 10:01 am

As a past employee of IVGN and a spouse of a current US Air employee I believe that Mr. Beery brings with him a very good set of people skills and strategic thinking that will greatly benefit IVGN. I wish him great success!

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