Dee Forsberg Is Out Kicking Butts

by The Editors on December 2, 2008

Carlsbadistan’s Dee Forsberg (along with other members of the Surfrider Founation) kicked off a month long project yesterday that will see 50 giant stainless steel ashtrays installed at beaches in North County, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Forsberg hopes for immediate results from the new ashcans. “My goal is to raise awareness. It’s really to get people to stop and think,” she said. . . One day this past summer, she filled a kitchen garbage sack with discarded cigarette butts at Tamarack and tied another one to a nearby post. “I thought maybe whoever is sitting here and smoking will start to use the trash bag,” she said.

That’s great because we’re sick of looking at butts all over the beach. Wait, rewind that. We’re sick of looking at cigarette butts all over the beach.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

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