School Board OKs High School EIR

by The Editors on February 12, 2009

There was some push back from people who think Carlsbadistan’s next high school “will bring excessive noise, traffic and pollution to nearby Calavera Creek and its surrounding wetlands,” but that didn’t stop the board from voting unanimously to approve the plan, according to a story in the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Much of the controversy focused on plans for a lighted sports field and track, which at one point was being designed to accommodate 4,000 spectators. The environmental report approved last night calls for seating for 3,000, but trustees said they want administrators to lower that number. . . . The high school is expected to enroll about 1,500 students. Carlsbad Unified School District is designing the school so it can expand to house up to 2,400 students.

Just get ‘er done, please. Our kids are getting older by the day.

[Link: San Diego Union-Tribune]

bob February 12, 2009 at 3:04 pm

the smart solution is to scrape Carlsbad Highschool and build a 4 story building in the same footprint. If they started the first day of summer vacation, they would only have to bus the kids to other schools for one school year.

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