Scott Ainslie Slide Workshop At Epic Guitars

by The Editors on April 21, 2009

ScottainslieKevin Kinnear will host blues/slide guitarist and Robert Johnson historian Scott Ainslie for acoustic blues and slide guitar workshop at Carlsbadistan’s Epic Guitars this Sunday April 26, 2009.

The workshop is for people who have heard the keening of the slide, but haven’t yet made that sound themselves: beginning, intermediate, and even some advanced players have profited from the techniques that will be presented. Epic Guitars and Kevin Kinnear are committed to linking up professionals and local players. This is a part of Epic’s mission, and my own. Bring a slide that fits snugly on your little finger (ceramic, brass or glass) and a sound recording device, if you like. $35 at the door. Reservations encouraged. Space will be limited at some point.

The workshop begins at 1 PM and tickets are limited so be sure and make reservations now. Epic Guitars 2656 State St. in the heart of Carlsbadistan.

Carl Crawl April 21, 2009 at 4:08 pm

UpState flows with creativity!

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